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Date Posted: 17:33:57 09/15/02 Sun
Author: Dr. Duveteux/ Avios
Subject: The Ultimate Goodbye
Avios cannot complete her mission to avenge her death 700 years ago in the good Doctor's body. It was futile, so Avios will find another Avatar, probably in a Gryphon's body, as Gryphons are much superior to dragons. So, she decides to say the ultimate goodbye.
Goodbye everybody. I might see you, and I might not. Probably not. Gryphons and dragons don't get along well, you see, so if I do see you, you'll probably end up dead. Au revior, for a while at least. Goodbye Tricaraco! You were nice while it lasted!
With that, she rips open her throat, and falls to the ground dead.
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Re: The Ultimate Goodbye -- Glory, 17:19:14 09/25/02 Wed
Glory Looked at the dead body. She had been gone for awile. She didn't know why she did it but she did. With a slight bit of magic she used her life giving powers and brought the docter back to life.
OOC: Hey I'm sorry...I have had school and trips and other stuff that has prevented me from being active, but if you kill yourself think about Tricarico and what about the battle with all the dragons and stuff?
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Re: The Ultimate Goodbye -- Dr. Duveteux/ Avios, 16:18:58 09/27/02 Fri
The good Doctor gets up and looks around. Now knowing what death is like, she flies away with a new outlook on life.
Ooc: Hey, I've been really stressed and in a bad mood, and I was getting frustrated, and I wasn't thinking. Well, I'm back now. So, I hope I don't go off the deep end again. Sorry about that.
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Re: The Ultimate Goodbye -- FG, 15:16:23 10/02/02 Wed
Thats good...WB. I almost gave up on the site after nobody played.
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Re: The Ultimate Goodbye -- Avios/ Dr. Duveteux, 17:12:31 10/02/02 Wed
Ooc: I'm glad you didn't just abandon it. It would have ended up like the RP we met at. And that would be absolutely hideous.
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