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Date Posted: 22:40:38 03/17/03 Mon
Author: Alidon
Subject: Re: Hey Rondo I'm back
In reply to: rondo 's message, "Re: Hey Rondo I'm back" on 00:58:29 03/17/03 Mon

>hi alidon, jones here. i reckon if i come over da
>ditch you should show me the sights.
>i might not do my site anymore. i think it will take
>a long time to do a site.
>i work in a small library. some mornings i am also a
>baker. want a cake?

Oh that's too bad cos i reckon it would of been a great site, but anyway i guess it is your decision and not to convince you otherwise but yes it would of taken a fairly long time, time i don't really even have myself. Sounds like you have som interesting and varied jobs, my job is particualrly boring. Well let's see I don't know if I have told you this or not but I am a student 4 times a week, as I managaed to get wednesdays off, and I occassionally work at the Pizza Hut Call Centre. i don't know if you have that there but basically when you ring up pizza hut over here you don't get redirected to the store, it actually goes to a call centre full of operators, like me, and I take your pizza order and send it to that store. It's all a pretty comlicated computer networking system. But basically my job is pretty boring apart from the few wierdos you get calling up, for instance I've had people give me their mobile number over the phone, when they rang up to order a pizza lol, som people.
If you came down here I would definitely show you around for sure, and where all the best clubs are and best bands are playing ie: Shihad/pacifier. Anyway there is some useless facts about me, oh another one is @ uni I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts, submajoring in communications and hope to be a writer and a journalist, What about you, I know it's lame, but do you have any future aspirations?
Sorry for the long post, I got carried away, happy reading anyway jones. :)And sure I'd love a cake, what sort have you got?

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  • Re: Hey Rondo I'm back -- Alidon, 22:42:29 03/17/03 Mon

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