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±Lair Of Verdauga  -Bringer Of Death-  ±

±Lair Of Verdauga±
-Bringer Of Death-

You pad into a desolate part of the terra, thorns block your path thickly and ravens flap cawing raspily into the air. The thorns like sabors scrape at your dial and tug at your coat. Whines and yelps echo throughout this section of the terra. You enter a large clearing umong all the brush. You notice their is a trickling creek emptying into a small pond and there is a dark cave entrance across from you. You go to quench your thirst in the pond, just as you reach the water's edge and the foul water touches your tongue you let out a cry of surprise and pain as needles of pain shoot up your leg. You glance at the cause of this pain, there lying in the dust is a steel trap clamped mercilessly 'pon your leg. You lay down in agony, looking into the murky water and notice skeletons at the pond floor and pond is polluted with blood. You have not noticed the two demonic yellow orbs watching you from the cave entrance. A raven hued brute steps forth chuckling wickidly, he looks at your wounded limb with growing pleasure.

"Ahh.. I see you have found my lair.. I may be bearer of bad news to some and for others I greet openly"

].^.[ Lair Of ].^.[

@-^-- Companions --^-@
Alphess Kiche

|>^<| Verdauga's Goal |>^<|

//>>Escape To The Darkness<<\\

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