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Date Posted: 04:26:52 07/31/02 Wed
As the scene opens we see Thrasher and Gladiator are once again sitting in their locker room drinkin cold ones and hanging out....
As the camera crew knocks on the door...
GLADIATOR~ What and the hell do you want?
CREW~ Can we have a few words with you about this thursday for terror?
GLADIATOR~ Alright asshole come in, but just for a lil bit damn it...
They walk in and set up the camera quickly because the program is already on a commercial break...
As it comes back theres an interviewer standing there while the tag team champs are sitting on their leather couch...
INTERVIEWER~ Can I pull up a chair guys?
THRASHER~ Hell No Asshole! Your still in the tag team champions locker room and we will tell you when you can sit in our chairs and talk to us ok asshole?
INTERVIEWER~ Ok ok ... im sorry
GLADIATOR~ You damn right should be asshole, now can we get into the interview!?
INTERVIEWER~ Gladiator, ill start with you. Your World title was stolen by the commish and R-O-N on monday. Do you have any reason why they would do this to you?
GLADIATOR~ How and the hell would I know? I mean RON wants to act like a jackass and play 2nd grade games, i can play that shit too RON! So RON let me ask you this, thursday if you got any thing that resembles balls in your sack then come to terror on thursday and make an appearence and we will work this shit out. As in me and you, in the parking lot kicking your little ass around!
INTERVIEWER~ Also this week you take on BuKu in a Best Champion match this thursday.
GLADIATOR~ Who and the hell is BuKu??!!
THRASHER~ DUDE! Isnt he one of them california surf movie dudes?!
INTERVIEWER~ (giggles) No no hes the Television Champion here in the WHW!
THRASHER~ Whatever you say man! Im telling you he is a surfer! But anyway, Gladiator is just gonna show him where his place is here in the WHW! Thats all there is to it, I mean who and the fuck cares about the Television championship? Do you care about it?
INTERVIEWER~ Well i dont know, i mean it is a title and all.. and it is ...
{{{ Just then hes cuts him off very quickly }}}
THRASHER~ I Didnt Think So!!
GLADIATOR~ So Buku it is exactly like what Thrasher... ahh kinda said I am gonna make an example of you! Showing the federation what everyone stands, right on the bottom! One by one the federation will meet the Gladiator!
INTERVIEWER~ We will have to see the match between Buku and Gladiator! And see how the fireworks go off! Now thrasher can I have a few words with you?
THRASHER~ Hey asshole what the hell do you think you are here for? We aint sharing no war stories or anything, get going!
INTERVIEWER~ You take on Stone Cold Cactus Killer this thursday what are your thoughts on that?
THRASHER~ Dude! He is a biker dude?
INTERVIEWER~ I do know if he drives a motorcycle or not... hmm
THRASHER~ Well once again it seems like i dont have a fucking clue on whos all in this federation but anyway, Cactus its very simple! Im just gonna keep it short for you, I am gonna beat your ass this thursday. You dont have a clue what the hell you are doing... because your messing with the most powerful faction in sports entertainment today! Next we have our sites set on the WHW tag team titles!
INTERVIEWER~ We will have watch for these two to get a tag team championship match!
GLADIATOR~ OhShit, We forgot our to tell the WHW about our little "Surprise"...
THRASHER~ Hold on Hold on! Lets just wait and give the surprise this thursday on the debut ofterror!
INTERVIEWER~ Can we have any hints at all about this "Surprise" ?!
GLADIATOR~ This surprise will bring the WHW to its knees! So bad that it will never recover!
THRASHER~ The WHW will never ever be able to retailiate to this surprise!
INTERVIEWER~ Boy this does not sound good for anyone! I can not begin to think what these men could do to this federation!
GLADIATOR~ Ok your talking way to much, get the hell out of here!
{{{ Just then Thrasher grabs the interviewer, Gladiator opens the dressing room door and Thrasher toss the interviewer out of the dressing room!
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