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Subject: BU KU and Cactus

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Date Posted: 16:19:40 07/29/02 Mon

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Michel Cole: well it seems Cactus K has come up blank with a cage match but
has managed to secure a non title first blood match up!!!! could this be all
over quickly for Cactus. 

JR: Well Michel Cactus could establish himself as a big
time player if he successfully defeats BU KU tonight the TV title
champion.  BU KU really cant afford to loose to a nobody, the new boy, the
inexperience well Michel I really couldnt say who's gonna do it tonight the
element of the UNKOWN is what could make this match so explosive!

Suddenly Cactus flashes up on the titon-tron the crowd
rise to their feet, a cheer erupts around the stadium.
has a mike in his hand and is clearly in a backstage dressing room.

Well I have decided to let you all see tonight what
cactus is all about.  You see Stone Cold Cactus killer is all about MAYHEM,
CARNAGE and DESTRUCTION!  Thats what Im gonna bring tonight in my first
first blood match! BU KU will bleed and I will bleed!

Crowd mutter

JR: he cant win like that

Michel Cole: what! maybe he's insane, who knows.


The screen flickers and dies as S.C.C.K.'s music
bellows around the stadium.

JR: I can tell this is gonna be a long night

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