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Subject: Trying to move on from psychological ghost damage

Julia Wesley
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Date Posted: 23:16:09 12/25/03 Thu

This is my True Ghost story: The Haunted Hearse. I know you’ve all heard a legend about a haunted hearse, but this one is real and true and happened right in my hometown of El Paso in the late 1980s. I was dating a young man whose father owned a used car sales lot in South El Paso, so he was always arriving for our dates in a different car. Most of them were old junkers that could barely sputter down the street, but I didn’t mind much. I was young and in love and that is all that mattered to me!
Well one day (for sake of the anonymity we’ll call my boyfriend Jason) Jason arrived at my driveway for our Friday night date in a real hearse! I was a little spooked by the appearance of the vehicle but didn’t want to spoil our fun, so hopped right in! The hearse was plush velvet interior and still reeked of decaying flowers and death. I hid my fear from Jason, as I did not want him to ridicule me. He got very attached to that car and never drove any of the other cars from that day on. He restored the hearse until it was a real beauty, with full competition grade sound system, new paint and accessories. He began entering car shows and stereo contests, and was noticed all over town. He was so attached that I began to worry about him and his obsession. We had been dating for several months and were a real couple. I started to get a little jealous of all the time he spent on his car. I began to feel a real presence late in the summer of that year, and it didn’t make much sense to me. Jason had owned the car for over 6 months and I had grown accustomed to the oddity of it. But there began to be times, when we were making out or talking as young lovers do, in hidden moments in their cars, that I felt a lurking evil, an ever watchful malignant force which scrutinized our every move and word. As terrified as I became, I never let Jason know what I felt or sensed. The presence continued, grew, multiplied, until I dreaded our dates, and could scarcely hide my trembling fingers nor the terror that caused my heart to pound fearfully!
Sadly all my worries seemed over when, a few short weeks afterwards, Jason was killed in a horrible car accident. He had been driving home after leaving me off from one of our dates, when a drunk driver sideswiped the hearse at a high rate of speed and killed him instantly. The hearse was totaled and sent to junk yard. I was overwhelmed with grief and depression for several months, not wanting to eat, work, go to school, or hardly live. But the young heal fast in all ways and about 10 months after Jason was killed I started to tentatively date another young man, Kevin. I felt guilty and almost as if I was cheating on Jason by seeing Kevin, even though our dates were just friendly outings. Kevin began to press upon me to become more serious with him. With doubts I let myself develop feelings for him, and slowly Jason began to ebb from my mind. After about two months, Kevin asked me to marry him and I told him I would consider the idea. That same weekend, Kevin was riding his bicycle along the gateway and was struck by a hit and run driver, dying almost instantly. However, several eye witnesses stated they saw a hearse speeding from the scene. http://www.searchpsychic.com/ghosts.htm

…Well so now here I am, many years later and not all that wiser. I’ve had some other paranormal experiences since Jason died, including some erotic night visitations by his ghost. Two years ago the visitations became more of a ghostly infestation, and I contacted Southwest Paranormal Researchers (http://forums.delphiforums.com/investigators). My house became a hotspot of ghost activity including footsteps, voices, doors and windows opening and closing, appliances turning on on their own, smells, knocks, and full blown apparitions. My life became a shambles as I could not sleep, rest, nor live at all normally. Through the help of their psychic Leola, I was able to get some freedom from the spirits that haunted me after she did a spirit contact and cleansing. I learned that I had a combination of a person haunting and a full blown poltergeist. It would seem that Jason’s spirit had become attached to me, and didn’t want to move on. I never felt Kevin so he must be at rest, I hope. I am seeking closure from this, and if anyone has a similar experience I would love to hear from you. Email freebird88081@ yahoo.
Julia Wesley

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Re: Trying to move on from psychological ghost damageJAY05:02:07 08/31/04 Tue
Re: Trying to move on from psychological ghost damageWilliam Pelletier01:57:30 03/09/05 Wed

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