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Date Posted: 18:07:35 04/17/03 Thu
Author: Terrie
Subject: Nebraska family, gaurdianship wished, 0-4, any race, special needs Ok

Hello we are Terrie and Kelly in Nebraska, We have 3 adopted children and are loking to adopt or prefer to do a legal guardianship situation, ages newborn to age 3, maybe to twins, Open to healthy or to many special needs, including but not limited to prematurity, low birth weight, birth defects, cleft lip and palate, as well as drug exposure , or a child whom was concieved thru rape or incest. We look forward to hearing from anyone knowing of a child that we could do a legal guardianship on with adoption in the future/ very open to any race, including an African american or mixed race child. Our dear birthmom information is at http://www.waiting4ourangel.homestead.com. or at http:kellyterrie.hopetoadopt.com as well as www.chask.org look for us under waiting families we are listed as Teresa and Kelly. Take care and
God Bless
Terrie and dh Kelly Lincoln Nebraska

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