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Date Posted: 05:16:58 10/23/02 Wed
Author: Randy & Twyla Logan
Subject: Open adoption desired by couple with very secure marriage.

Hi! We are honored you would take the time to read about our dreams in the midst of what must be a very difficult time for you. Although we can't say we understand your situation, having been through 4 miscarriages, we are very sensative to the pain others are feeling. And it we do understand that it hurts to not be able to parent a child, under any circumstances! We also realize that the very act of considering adoption for your baby is an act of immense love and unselfishness. We commend you for the courage you must have to explore this option.

We have a web site with our "Dear Birthparents" letter and a large number of pictures. If you are considering an adoption plan for your baby, or babies, (we have prayed for twins), and want to know more about us than this brief posting, please go to:

The bare facts:

We are caucasion and wish to adopt a caucasion newborn.

We want as open an adoption as you are comfortable with. We would like you to be a member of our family too! Love grows when shared, not diminishes. No child has ever had too many people that love him or her!

We live in Knoxville, Tennessee. We have a nice home in a restricted access subdivision. Our house is in a middle class neighborhood and is a full basement rancher with 3bedrooms, 2bathrooms, and a fully fenced in yard for the safety of our dog and our future children.

Randy is 48, Twyla is 47 We both are EXTREMELY HEALTHY! We are non-smokers & do not allow it in our home or business. We are both college educated with Bachelor degrees. We have been together for 30 years, married 27 years and have lived in the same house for 21 years. We are Christian and will raise our children in the church. We are self-employed, your child will never be placed in daycare, and will have the benefit of being with both parents all day.

We will homeschool to ensure the best education. We are truly looking forward to the opportunity to provide our children with the individual attention they deserve and the exciting atmosphere for learning that they would not get in any school. These things can only come from Mom and Dad.

We have two cats and one very well mannered, child-deprived German Shepherd Dog (he goes to work with us and hangs out at the counter begging for petting when children come in with their parents).

We are working with Bethany Christian Services here in Knoxville. They have 78 offices nationwide and provide FREE services to birthparents and their families. You will never be pressured to give up your baby, only 20% to 25% of pregnant women who work with them make an adoption plan, the rest decide to parent as a result of the counseling they receive. We want you to explore all your options so you can be sure if you place with us that it was your decision, not someone elses', and that it was the best decision for you to make.

We wish you a successful journey in your quest to find parents for your baby if that is what you finally decide is best.

Randy and Twyla Logan

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