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Date Posted: 04:11:58 12/16/10 Thu
Author: chad davis (Same Sex couple seeks baby boy)
Subject: Re: Adoption Situations Available
In reply to: Aspengrove Referral Service 's message, "Adoption Situations Available" on 12:52:33 10/20/05 Thu

Same Sex couple in Atlanta home study ready, please contact us with avail situaitons.

>Aspengrove Referral Service is working on the
>following adoption situations. If you are interested
>in any of these situations please contact me right
>away, either by email at jeri@aspenref.com or phone
>208-266-0122. If the sex is unknown on a baby you are
>interested in and you are only open to a certain sex
>baby, it is unlikely it will be known before a match
>occurs. Jeri
>Code-Beanno-Birthmother due Nov. 11th (but will very
>likely deliver very soon) with a full African American
>baby GIRL. The birthmother is on bed rest right now
>because of pre-term labor. The baby is over 6 lbs
>now. The birthmom is 28, 5'5" tall and weighs 277
>lbs. and is Baptist. The birthfather is 6'2" and
>weighs 200 lbs. The birthfather knows of the
>pregnancy, is a truck driver and she thinks he may be
>in TX, but has no contact with him. The birthmother
>lives in Louisiana. She would like pictures and
>letters after placement. She denies using any drugs,
>alcohol, or cigarettes while pregnant. She has had
>prenatal care and is on Medicaid. She has 3 children
>she is parenting now, a 12 yr. old set of twins and a
>1 yr. old. She would like and AA, AA/Biracial or
>Caucasian couple. She would like the adoptive couple
>to be Christian and either be childless or have no
>more than 1 child. She is not open to singles or same
>sex couples. Fees will be $14,000 plus travel and
>Code-Crystal-Birthmother due the end of April,
>beginning of May with a full Hispanic baby. Sex of
>the baby is unknown. The birthmother is 24, 5'4" tall
>and weighs 147 lbs, and is Catholic. The birthfather
>is 6'2" and weighs 185 lbs. The birthmother lives in
>TX. Crystal has just begun her prenatal care and her
>Medicaid is pending. She denies using any drugs,
>alcohol, or cigarettes during her pregnancy. She is
>homeless right now. She has 3 children she is unable
>to parent because of finances and being homeless. The
>children are a girl age 9, girl age 6 and boy age 4,
>by 2 different birthfathers. She would like pictures
>and letters after placement. The birthfather knows
>she is pregnant and took off when he found out. She
>would like a Hispanic, Cauc./Hisp. or Caucasian
>couple. She is not open to singles or same sex
>couples. Fees will be $18,300 plus your legal fees
>and travel. That includes my fee, agency fee, and
>birthmother expenses.
>Code-Sheila-Birthmother due Nov. 11 with a full AA
>BOY, but will likely have a scheduled c-section before
>that date. The birthmother lives in St. Louis
>Missouri. She is receiving very good prenatal care
>and is on Medicaid. She knows who the birthfather is
>but is unable to contact him. No drugs, alcohol or
>smoking. She would like pictures and letters. She
>would like to conference with 2-3 couples. She wants
>a married couple and would like them there for the
>birth. She is open to a couple of any race, religion,
>with or without children. She is not open to singles
>or same sex couples. She has 2 other children, ages 7
>& 6 that she parenting. Fees will be $12,000 plus
>your legal costs and travel.
>Code-Suzette-Birthmother due 3 days ago, with a full
>AA baby, sex unknown. The birthmother is 30 and has 3
>children she is not parenting herself. She has had
>very little prenatal care and has applied for
>Medicaid. She denies using any drugs, alcohol, or
>cigarettes during her pregnancy. She is from Jamaica.
>The birthfather is one of two men, neither of which
>she knows their whereabouts, both AA. She is open to
>any race or religion couple or heterosexual single.
>She wants to pick the couple or single, but does not
>wish to meet them and wants a closed adoption. She
>lives in Florida. Fees will be $14,000 plus legals
>and travel.
>Code-CPI-Birthmother due in February with a full
>Hispanic baby, sex unknown. The birthmother lives in
>California. The birthfather was not a legal resident
>and was deported so his rights will be terminated for
>him. She is just beginning her prenatal care.
>Birthmother denies the use of any drugs, alcohol, or
>cigarettes during her pregnancy. The birthmother
>would like pictures and letters after placement, but
>may choose a closed adoption, she is yet undecided.
>She is not open to singles or same sex couples. Fees
>will be $20,000 plus travel. That includes my fee,
>all birthmother expenses, facilitators fee, and CA
>Virginia- Full AA Christmas baby due Dec. 21st in
>Ohio. Sex of the baby is unknown. The birthmother is
>receiving prenatal care and denies the use of any
>drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes during her pregnancy.
>She is already parenting a 2 and a 4 yr old now. The
>birthfather is unknown. She would like pictures and
>letters after placement. She is open to a married
>couple, same sex couple or single, with or without
>children, any race or religion. Fees will be $12,400
>plus travel and legal costs.
>Code-Kyla-Birthmother due Nov. 1st with a full
>Caucasian baby BOY, but she will be induced as soon as
>an adoptive couple is found. The birthmother is 23.
>She is receiving prenatal care and is on Medicaid.
>The baby will be born in Missouri. The birthparents
>are not together anymore. The birthmother smokes 1
>pack of cigarettes a day and smoked marijuana the
>first 2 mos. before she found out she was pregnant.
>Other than that no other drugs and no alcohol. She
>would like pictures and letters and occasional visits.
> She is open to any race or religion couple or single
>or same sex couple, with or without children. This
>will be her first child. The birthmother is both
>schizophrenic as well as bipolar. She was abused as a
>child and it is unknown how much of her mental illness
>is situation and how much is not. The birthfather is
>also Bipolar and has Aspergers, which is in the milder
>autism spectrum. Fees will be $12,000 plus travel and

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