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You drive along a highway lined with old shade trees and vast expanses of grass that can only be paddocks. You turn off onto a well maintained side road and drive through the wrought iron gates flanked by stately brick pillars. Atop each pillar is a rearing stone horse. Suspended from the pillars is a wooden sign with the words Rising Star Equestrian Facility. Under that is a sentence in smaller words: A Higher Standard Of Excellence. Your vehicle cruises smoothly down the tree lined road. On either side you can see a handful of horses at grass. A few pick up their heads and lope along the fence line with you for awhile. Soon you emerge from the trees and find yourself in a large parking lot, vast enough to hold many vehicles of all sizes. Wide cement sidewalks lead in several directions. Straight ahead, quite near the parking area, is the barn. With only a handful of stalls, it was nothing fancy but obviously in immaculate condition. Nearby you spot a small house, arenas, and even a race track. Not far from the barn is a slightly smaller building. The muted barks coming from it mark it a kennel. A slight breeze picks up, bringing to your nose the scent of all things horsie. A smallish building that could only be an office is attached to the side of the barn. There is a sign on the door. Welcome to Rising Star Equestrian Facility