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Date Posted: 13:21:42 07/30/02 Tue
Author: Commander Meribor
Subject: Re: Charatcer Files
In reply to: Lt.Hinkle 's message, "Re: Charatcer Files" on 17:22:07 07/26/02 Fri

Characters Name: Kathleen Meribor
Character's Age: 25.
Character's Gender: female.
Character's Race/Species: Human.
Character's Prefered Feild: First Officer
Character's Strengths: Quick thinking, Quick learner,
Good with alien languages, A strong will, and almost
spotless record.
Character's Abilities: solving a problem when it seems
impossible, Knowledge on temporal and spatial
Reason Your Character Joined Star Fleet: She's been
obsessed with the idea of space travel and space since
she was small, and the idea of infinite possibilities
helped her decide to join also.
Character's History Until This Point:
0 Yrs Old: Born on a deep space station to parents
Patricia and John Meribor.
7 Yrs Old: War With The Krenim Breaks Out, forcing her
parents to leave her with her Aunt on Earth.
9 Yrs Old: War With The Krenim Ends. She returns to
her parents.
16 Yrs Old: Kathleen's parents are transferred to the
USS Suntze, which was destroyed with a temporal anomaly that tore the ship apart. This just helped encourage her fascination with temporal and spatial anomalies.
18 Yrs Old: Kathleen is taken hostage by Cardassians
and held for a year.
19 Yrs Old: The outpost is attacked by Starfleet, and
Kathleen is released.
21 Yrs Old: She is given a posting on a science vessel.
23 Yrs Old: Promoted to Lt. Commander and another
posting on a science vessel.
24 Yrs Old: Promoted to Commander, and given a posting
on a deep space station devoted to temporal and
spatial anomalies.
25 Yrs Old: Orders for a transfer to the USS Darkfire
are given, and she accepts.

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