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Subject: Re: New stable

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Date Posted: 13:23:26 08/19/02 Mon
In reply to: Potty 's message, "New stable" on 11:18:14 08/19/02 Mon

Yes, you can. Thank you for inquiring, too, because I don't think many of our members are aware of this. You *can* -- and are encouraged -- to set up your own stable, shop, and/or registry. You will be able to host shows if your facilities permit it (an example of inadequate show facilities would be a two-stall private barn with one small indoor ring and nothing else).

To do this, you'll need to build the website on your own. Find your own free server (we recommend geocities.com). You'll be responsible for updating and managing your page. You'll need to build everything and then, when it's complete, e-mail us the address. We'll review it-- making sure it's not too unrealistic and that the layout is acceptable (we encourage neat & clean layouts). If your barn will be a boarding barn, open to other members, you need to pay a [sim] building fee of $100,000. However, half of your proceeds (board, show fees, etc.) will go towards your bank account. The other half of the money ends up going to "maintenance."

We then post it when everything's in order.

If you plan to have boarding and training facilites, you'll need to have forms or another mean of contact for our members to reach you. If they wish to board their horses at your stable (or train), you'll need to have them contact you with the plan and the amount of money each month, then you'll need to forward that email to us, so that we can keep track of boarding and fees and such.

Holding shows requires basically the same as the above. You'll need to compose your own class list and allow members access to entering your shows. Select a reasonable date (usually a few weeks ahead, so that members who are less active are able to see it), and then an entry deadline date. Again, forward all e-mails and submitions to bridlepath_simgame@hotmail.com.

I hope I've answered your questions adequately, and if not, reply or contact via email.



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Re: New stableBinkari08:01:23 08/28/02 Wed

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