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Date Posted:
00:27:53 07/28/02 Sun
(She was immediately at her feet, taking his hand and placing a half full glass of water in it.) Drink this. (She put her other hand over his forehead.)
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he struggled some but he managed to get himself upright and open his eyes, taking a small sip of the water "Where am I?"
-- Richard,
00:29:24 07/28/02 Sun
(Her eyes ran over him slowly.) In my apartment. (She smiled a little.) Name's Toni Mathews. (
-- toni,
01:05:45 07/28/02 Sun
he inclines his head towards her with a small wince "Nice to meet you Toni....I'm not sure....who I am"
-- Richard,
01:07:47 07/28/02 Sun
(She tilts her head.) Well, you're.. you.. silly.. (She smiled a little, confused, her hand at his forehead again.) (
-- Toni,
01:08:51 07/28/02 Sun
he winces lightly at the touch "Thank you for the obivous....but it gets me no where"
-- Richard,
01:09:51 07/28/02 Sun
(Undeterred by his wince, she kept investigating the various cuts and scrapes.) What happened to you? (
-- Toni,
01:16:37 07/28/02 Sun
he frowns heavily, disturbed he couldn't remember "I'm...not entirely sure"
-- Richard,
01:18:19 07/28/02 Sun
(She looked worried now.) Oh lord.. (She said for the second time.) We should get you to a doctor or something, maybe you have a concussion! (She looked paniced, trailing her hand down his cheek.) (
-- TOni,
01:20:54 07/28/02 Sun
he growls, leaning away from her touch "All I need madam is a nap and a good bath"
-- Richard,
01:22:03 07/28/02 Sun
(She recoiled at his growl.) Think you can make it? (She got up.) (
-- Toni,
01:24:24 07/28/02 Sun
he nods brusquely, he was in a snippy mood, and his head ached something awful "I am no invalid madam, I think I can manage my own bath" he bit off, grouchy
-- Richard,
01:26:11 07/28/02 Sun
(She crossed her arms, she wasnt one to be mean to people, she was always the first to offer her last dime to a friend or stranger.) Come along then. (She muttered, walking down the short hall to the linen closet for a towel, then into the bathroom.) You can use whatever you wish in here, and theres a bed across the hall. (
-- Toni,
01:28:23 07/28/02 Sun
he raises a brow, taking her towel, she was a tiny thing next to his large frame "Where do you retire?" he was not about to take a ladies bed
-- Richard,
01:30:12 07/28/02 Sun
(She shook her head.) Thats none of your concern, not in your state. (She pulled a bottle of rubbing alcohol out of the cabinet.) YOu just clean youself up and get into bed. (
-- Toni,
01:32:11 07/28/02 Sun
he raises a brow "I am not kicking you out of your bed, it's unseemly, I'll be perfectly fine on the lounge in the living room, provided with an ice pack and some aspirin of course"
-- Richard,
01:34:04 07/28/02 Sun
(She arched a brow, who did he think he was?) I'm sure your highness would be much better off in the bedroom, seeing as you're at my disposal anyway. (
-- Toni,
01:35:15 07/28/02 Sun
he balked, he was use to having people serve to his every wish, he arched a brow "You madam are far too stubborn, set me up a pillow and blanket on the lounge please, I'd like to prop up my ankle"
-- Richard,
01:36:54 07/28/02 Sun
Yeah yeah. (She'd be hitting him with his ice pack if he didnt stop his whining.) Just clean yourself up. (She didnt let him argue again, just shut him in the bathroom. Shaking her head, she wandered into her room to gather a few things for her camp out in the living room.) (
-- Toni,
01:38:28 07/28/02 Sun
he took a nice long bath and wrapped himself in a towel,leaving his broad chest bare, his garments were far too dirty to put back on a clean body and he hobbled out to the living room, the alcohol in hand, his brow furrowed "What am I supposed to do with this?"
-- Richard,
01:40:39 07/28/02 Sun
(She held her hands out, one for the bottle in his hand, and the other the beckon him to follow her. Padding silently into the bedroom, she nodded to the bed.) Sit there. (
-- Toni,
01:42:04 07/28/02 Sun
he frowned "Are you bloody deaf woman, I told you I am not sleeping in your bed"
-- Richard,
01:43:04 07/28/02 Sun
(She stood her ground, she might be smaller than him, but she didnt take any greif.) Quit your belly aching and lay down. (She looked adamant, her hands on her hips.) I dont want to hear any more on it. (
-- Toni,
01:46:09 07/28/02 Sun
The little spitfire was highly amusing and he could only shake his head as he limped back out to the living room, sprawling comfortably on the sofa, looking right smug
-- Richard,
14:43:12 07/28/02 Sun
(She growled, causing a ruckus in the bedroom. Swallowing and sighing a little, she composd herself and wandered out to glare at him furtively.) Are you trying to drive me into an early grave? (
-- Toni,
20:53:13 07/28/02 Sun
he yawns shaking his head "Nope, I'm retaining my manners...the one thing I do remember"
-- Richard,
22:22:13 07/28/02 Sun
(She shrugs.) Suit youself, but dont say I didnt try. (She sat down on the coffee table with the washcloth in her hand, snatching up the bottle of rubbing alcohol again.) Dont move. (
-- Toni,
22:34:58 07/28/02 Sun
he eyed her warily "What are you going to do with that?"
-- Richard,
22:37:20 07/28/02 Sun
(She arched a brow, soaking the washcloth in the liquid, and pressing it to the side of his face, where the open cut was.) This might sting. (She said too late.) (
-- Toni,
22:41:33 07/28/02 Sun
he yelps and pushes her hand away "What the bloody hell are you doing?"
-- Richard,
22:46:26 07/28/02 Sun
Trying to make sure you dont get an infection, that will hurt worse. Hold still now, you dont need scars. (She didnt want that handsome face marred.. not if she ould help it.) (
-- Toni,
22:52:44 07/28/02 Sun
he grumbles under her breath, sulking with his arms crossed
-- Richard,
22:58:14 07/28/02 Sun
(She laid her hand against his chest to steady herself, her other hand gentle as she ran the cloth over the cuts on his face. Her eyes and her features were intent on her work, and every now and then she winced, the cuts werent pretty.) (
-- Toni,
23:01:56 07/28/02 Sun
After his initial yelp he made no sound, not even a wince at the sting, his jaws firm set the only indication of pain
-- Richard,
23:08:44 07/28/02 Sun
(She had worries lines near her eyes, she felt horrible for causing him pain, but she made quick but thorough work. When she se the cloth down and leaned forward a little, she put her hand to sheild his eyes and blew soft cold breath on the cuts, soothing away the burn.) (
-- Toni,
23:11:09 07/28/02 Sun
Loss of memory didn't stop him from noticing what an enticing little package she made, he was itching to let his hands mold to her curves, but that of course would have to wait till he could remember if he was still free to do so
-- Richard,
23:14:43 07/28/02 Sun
(Her eyes had traveled to his and embarassment made her get up and gather her things, toting them into the bathroom to clean up. Everything was always in its place.) You should be all set. (She said, walking back, laying her hand over his forehead, satisfied he'd cooled off.) If you need anything let me know. (
-- Toni,
23:17:42 07/28/02 Sun
he looks down at his towel incased form "well....if it wouldn't be too much trouble,decent covering would be appreciated" (
-- Richard,
23:21:30 07/28/02 Sun
(She blushed.) I suppose you're right.. I'll put your cloths in the wash. . (She muttered, disappearing and returning with a blanket and pillow for him.) (
-- Toni,
23:23:29 07/28/02 Sun
he reclined easily, making sure he was decently covered in the ladys presense, surprisingly for a man with no memory, he was very well mannered
-- Richard,
23:27:32 07/28/02 Sun
(She'd noticed that, and it worried her that he had no memory. She wonderd who he was, and what had hurt him. For a moment, she just stood there looking at him almost pained, then she moved again, pickin up a couple more things in the room before heading out.) (
-- Toni,
23:33:09 07/28/02 Sun
he was too tired to be disturbed by his memory loss, after a nice nap it would surely bother him, but for now he just wanted to sleep
-- Richard,
23:35:47 07/28/02 Sun
(She took one last look at him over her shoulder, then disappeared. The shower running wsa the next sound in the room, and she soom emerged and darted across the hall in a towel, time for her to get some sleep for the night too.) (
-- otni,
23:40:50 07/28/02 Sun
The next morning found his waist covered by the blanket as he slept hard into the morning, the towel had slipped off during the night, it now lay in a rumpled heap beside the figure lying flat on his stomach, appearing surprisingly boyish on his large frame
-- Richard,
23:43:55 07/28/02 Sun
(She rose early, cleaning up her room, moving his clothing from the drying to a folded pile on her dresser. It felt oddly domestic to find a man's personals in her dryer, but it made her smile. Taking jeans and undergarments, she leaves them on the table, sitting down on the recliner with a kit to sew the tears in his shirt. Her eyes moved to him every now and then, but she didnt wake him.) (
-- Toni,
23:52:17 07/28/02 Sun
he was hardly awake as he stood and padded naked to the bathroom. He halted in his tracks however on his slow trek back, offering a lazy smile as he settled on the sofa, apparently not concerned with his nudity
-- Richard,
23:58:15 07/28/02 Sun
(She had lifted her eyes and they immediately went back to her sewing, a pretty blush clouding her features at the sight.) Your... things are on the table there. (
-- Toni,
00:00:07 07/29/02 Mon
he couldn't help his soft chuckle as he gathered his things, dressing leisurly
-- Richard,
00:03:34 07/29/02 Mon
(She couldnt help the movement of her eyes to him then back. He was sure a sight for sore eyes. Pricking her finger in her carelessness, she yelped, sucking on her finger, cursing under her breath.) (
-- Toni,
00:04:50 07/29/02 Mon
he turned, instantly alerted by her yelp, he knelt before her "What happened?"
-- Richard,
00:06:59 07/29/02 Mon
(She groaned.) I pricked myself with the needle. (She eyed him, he was a part of her little apartment and he'd only been there for 12 hours. She sighed, going back to sewing.) How are you feeling? (
-- Toni,
00:08:56 07/29/02 Mon
he halted her movement and took her hand, turning it gently in his, looking at the prick, running a gentle hand over the wound before lowering his lips to her finger tip for a soft caress
-- Richard,
00:14:36 07/29/02 Mon
(A knot tightened in her stomach and she tugged at her hand from his grasp, unnerved by the feeling she got. Her lips parted alittle and she looked like a doe in the headlights of an oncoming semi.) (
-- Toni,
00:15:43 07/29/02 Mon
his molten gaze met hers with a lopsided grin, a shock of inky hair falling over his forehad "Something wrong?"
-- Richard,
00:19:00 07/29/02 Mon
(She stuttered, shaking her head nervously.) N'n'no.. n'nothings wrong. . (
-- Toni,
00:21:36 07/29/02 Mon
he stood uneasily, slowly hobbling back to the couch with a sigh "By the way I haven't thanked you yet have I?"
-- Richard,
00:24:02 07/29/02 Mon
(She figured the way her system was freaking out he'd thanked her enough. She shrugged, sewing a little bit before she had the shirt done, shaking it out and folding it neatly for him.) You dont need to thank me. (
-- Toni,
00:26:04 07/29/02 Mon
he nods "Etiqutte dictates it" (
-- Richard,
00:27:15 07/29/02 Mon
You're looking better, so thats thanks enough. (She said, smiling a little, putting her things away and walking over to put them away, returning to stand near him.) (
-- toni,
00:31:58 07/29/02 Mon
he tilts his head, looking up at her "How did I get here if I may ask?" (
-- Richard,
00:33:01 07/29/02 Mon
You knocked and I answered. (She said softly, sticking her hands in the back pockets of her capris.) (
-- Toni,
00:35:24 07/29/02 Mon
he looked highly skeptical "I walked here?" (
-- Richard,
00:37:42 07/29/02 Mon
(She shrugged.) I guess so.. I dont know, you just showed up and I let you in. (She sighed, feeling sorry for him.) (
-- Toni,
00:38:47 07/29/02 Mon
he frowned "Last thing I remember is waking up on your couch" (
-- Richard,
00:40:55 07/29/02 Mon
(She sighed, nodding.) You got hit hard in the head, your face was pretty banged up. (She looked down at her feet, then moved to siton the coffee table, worriedly looking at him.) (
-- Toni,
00:44:40 07/29/02 Mon
he nods "I got a good look at that this morning,but that's all I'm sure of" (
-- Richard,
00:46:09 07/29/02 Mon
(She crossed her arms.) I'm sorry. (She said gently.) (
-- Toni,
00:47:14 07/29/02 Mon
he pinched the bridge of his nose "Hopefully you've nothing to be sorry for" (
-- Richard,
00:49:47 07/29/02 Mon
(She looked confused.) All I did was clean you and your things up. (She defended, her eyes on him.) (
-- Toni,
00:50:56 07/29/02 Mon
he nods, that was what he knew for now, he hoped he didn't find anything in his memory when he regained it for her to be sorry for (
-- Richard,
00:54:43 07/29/02 Mon
(She felt odd now, where before she'd felt comfortable with him. Standing, she stuttered for some reason to get away.) I.. have to go clean up in the other room. (She darted out of there quick, breathing a sigh in the other room.) (
-- Toni,
01:03:06 07/29/02 Mon
he sighed and reclined, he felt bad for being so defensive, but he was frightened, what was a person without their memories (
-- Richard,
01:05:28 07/29/02 Mon
(She made an appearance to tote her cloths to the laundry hamper near the washer and dryer. Moving quickly back out of the room, she wondered why she'd felt things at his touch when he obviously considered her a suspect.) (
-- Toni,
01:08:15 07/29/02 Mon
Up for no more than two hours, he was easily induced back to sleep,his body taking all his energy to heal
-- Richard,
22:07:04 07/29/02 Mon
(He was easier to be around when he was sleeping, so she finished her chores and curled up on the floor with a book, right at his side.) (
-- Toni,
22:14:51 07/29/02 Mon
he was muttering under his breath about the "bloody yanks" with a disgruntled look on his face, an obvious englishman
-- Richard,
22:19:02 07/29/02 Mon
(She lifted a brow as she read, having to re-read the same sentance three times. Turning the page, she sighs, starting to sing softly to him.) (
-- Toni,
22:30:34 07/29/02 Mon
with a final grunt he sighs, settling down into a restless sleep
-- Richard,
22:32:43 07/29/02 Mon
(She didnt stop singing, it soothed her as well. Her eyes shifted to him and she smiled a little, he needed the rest.) (
-- Toni,
22:46:46 07/29/02 Mon
he sighed and slept for hours, he needed it
-- Richard,
22:51:15 07/29/02 Mon
(She had fallen asleep during that time, her head against the couch by his stomach, her hand under her cheek, the other on the book in her lap.) (
-- Toni,
22:59:31 07/29/02 Mon
he woke later with her sleeping at his side, he smiled lightly, it wasnt a bad sight to wake up to
-- Richard,
23:03:24 07/29/02 Mon
(She kept on sleeping, she'd been taking care of him, and now she was tired. If he didnt believe her innocent now, she wouldnt be able to convince him.) (
-- Toni,
23:06:54 07/29/02 Mon
he stood, gently lifting her into his arms, carrying her as best he could in his state down to her room, tucking her in and heading back to the sofa, his ankle throbbing
-- Richard,
23:12:45 07/29/02 Mon
(She woke a little and rolled over, his name coming out on a sigh, she'd been dreaming about him, odd when they just met.) (
-- Toni,
23:15:41 07/29/02 Mon
he smiled hearing that, but he had to sit, his ankle hurt terribly
-- Richard,
23:19:46 07/29/02 Mon
(Her movement woke her more and she startled, looking around. How did she get in there? Getting up, she padded sleepily into the living room, rubbing her eyes.) You're awake. . (She said gently, walking over to place her palm to his forehead as was becoming ritual.) (
-- toni,
23:21:25 07/29/02 Mon
he suffered her minstrations, nodding "Yeah I have been"
-- Richard,
23:24:39 07/29/02 Mon
(She was so close to darting again, just held there by a lonely need to be near someone. She didnt have people over often.) You dont look so flushed anymore. (
-- Toni,
23:25:53 07/29/02 Mon
he nods "I'm awake not half asleep" (
-- Richard,
23:29:21 07/29/02 Mon
(She nodded, retracting her hand and looking out of place for a moment.) I should go back into my room. (She offered, figuring she was annoying him. She'd just make a fool of herself anyway, being he was a man in her apartment and she was lonely enough to act out.) (
-- Toni,
23:31:47 07/29/02 Mon
he yawns "What for?" (
-- Nate,
23:32:57 07/29/02 Mon
I'm bugging you. (She said simply, crossing her arms over her stomach.) (
-- Toni,
23:40:22 07/29/02 Mon
his brow furrowed "What the devil gave you that idea?" (
-- Richard,
23:45:01 07/29/02 Mon
(She shrugged.) I dunno. (She shifted her weight nervously. She kinda wished she had something to do so she wouldnt feel so odd.) (
-- Toni,
23:50:28 07/29/02 Mon
he yawns "Well sit down you're making me dizzy" (
-- Richard,
23:51:31 07/29/02 Mon
(She did sit down, two feet from him on the couch, her hands in her lap, her legs crossed on the couch.) Sorry. (
-- toni,
23:52:51 07/29/02 Mon
he rolls his eyes "Awful timid aren't you? Where's the little general that was ordering me about last night?"
-- Richard,
00:20:20 07/31/02 Wed
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