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Form: Report Violation of Terms of Service/User Agreement

If you wish to report a forum you feel has violated the VoyForums User Agreement, please fill out the following form.

  • Please include any information you can which would help guide us to the content you find questionable, this includes any relevant URLs, message numbers, etc.
  • Feel free to copy-and-paste text from the forum or any other location to assist us in finding the questionable material. We apologize for this step, but it is a very important one in helping is find and resolve these issues.
  • Do not expect a response to this form, but please do not send in a report without including a valid e-mail address -- it wastes our time and energy to write a message to a bad address.
  • While we try to review all submitted reports in a timely fashion, in no way do we guarantee action will be taken.
The following announcement is for the protection of our staff and to ensure a nice working environment:
Please be courteous and *polite* to our staff when reporting the problem!
Messages which contain the words: sue, attorney, lawyer, and lawsuit, or are in ALL CAPS are automatically trashed. There is no reason to be nasty when reporting violations--it hinders, not helps your case.
VoyUsers username (if available)
Your E-mail address:
Please repeat your E-mail address:
Your name:
Forum ID of forum in question:
For example, the addresses "http://www.voy.com/2/" and "http://www.voy.com/2/10.html" both refer to Forum ID 2.
Type of questionable content:
Location of questionable content:
URL of page containing questionable content:
A URL looks like this: "http://www.voy.com/1/10.html"
If there is more than one, please include the others in your comments below.
Message IDs to examine:
For example, the address http://www.voy.com/2/10.html shows you the Forum ID is 2, the specific message is 10.
Message Subject:
Searchable criteria (subjects, text, etc.):
Please paste a few lines of the most problematic material. Please do not quote large amounts of content as it is impossible to manually review in detail all the material people send us -- just a few selected lines is usually sufficient to get us to focus on what you want to point out.
Comments & details of your report:
Please be as detailed as you can; include any specific text, comments, names, or anything else you think will ease our task of reviewing the content. It takes our time to review forums, and the more you can help us, the easier we can see what you find objectionable.
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