VoyForums - Free messageboard services



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VoyForums Announcement: Programming and providing support for this service has been a labor of love since 1997. We are one of the few services online who values our users' privacy, and have never sold your information. We have even fought hard to defend your privacy in legal cases; however, we've done it with almost no financial support -- paying out of pocket to continue providing the service. Due to the issues imposed on us by advertisers, we also stopped hosting most ads on the forums many years ago. We hope you appreciate our efforts.

Show your support by donating any amount. (Note: We are still technically a for-profit company, so your contribution is not tax-deductible.) PayPal Acct: Feedback:

Donate to VoyForums (PayPal):

VoyForums Exchange - No-ads option (bannerless forums)

  • To Disable forum ads (no-ads subscription)
  • or Make a contribution
...you must visit http://users.Voyager.com/ to create your user-account.

Information on No-Ads: [ Also see Contributions.]

VoyForums is now providing the option of bannerless forums for a small fee of $6.50 per month. Other rates are available, including discounted rates if you pay in advance. If your forum gets over 10,000 hits, larger No-Ads options are available and you can find that information on the No-Ads signup form. You will need to register for a Voyager User ID in order to use No-Ads.

The standard monthly and discount plans are:

1 month:$6.50
3 months:$16.50
6 months:$30.00

These rates cover *most* forums, providing for less than 10,000 hits per month -- many other rates are readily available for your viewing through the No-ads signup process, allowing you to easily pick the most-suitable subscription for your forum.

Please note, this No-Ads charge is very small and, while it allows us to provide this option, we are still a free service, and our goals remain the same -- We are still a constantly evolving site and while we try to provide the best quality service possible, we remain focused on adding features/capabilities, and fixing problems. We still read incoming mail but cannot always reply, nor always in the most timely manner. Additionally, while your payment may help support VoyForums, it doesn't negate the possibility of network downages, hardware failures, and bugs in software.

Selecting to remove the banner will allow you also to choose how and where you would like the small VoyForums logo to appear. You can choose to move it to the bottom of your forum, allowing you design control of the top of your forum. Once you signup for the No-Ads option you will be able to use the additional Banner Themes available from the Owner Login -> Banner Themes area.

Like contributions, there are 3 ways to pay for the No-Ads option. You must create a Voyager User-Account in order to use No-Ads, regardless of the method of payment.

Credit Card
Postal Mail
Why should I get a User ID?
Go to No-ads signup at the VoyUsers site

Please also consider Contributing. Banner ads were the only source of revenue, and they are insufficient to cover expenses. We refuse to harass you into paying us money by placing unsolicited intrusive pop up ads and annoying you into wanting to remove them. However, we *are* working on allowing Voy Users to choose to receive pop up ads by an on/off toggle option on an entirely voluntary basis.

We appreciate all support we receive.

Please read the following for more details and instructions:

Using Credit Cards to get No-Ads:

VoyForums is now providing the option of bannerless forums for a small fee of $6.50 per month (maximum of 10,000 hits/month). Other rates are available, including discounted rates if you pay in advance.

Like contributions, there are 3 ways to pay for the No-Ads option. You must create a Voyager User-Account in order to use No-Ads, regardless of the method of payment.

Just follow the quick steps below.

  1. Go to http://users.voyager.com/ and choose the "Setup No-ads & Create User-Account:" link.
  2. Fill out the form with your information. Submit credit card and account information, how many months you would like to purchase No-Ads for, what is your forum monthly hit level (which you can view in the counters area in the owner login), and whether to do a reoccuring monthly charge.
  3. Confirm your account by going to a link we send to you by email.
  4. You login to your account and manage your payment in there if you want. You can see the status, create new charges without having to fill out a lot of stuff again, can cancel reoccuring billing, change charge amounts, edit information, among other things. Many features will be added to this area of the service.

Using PayPal to get No-Ads:

You can sign up for No-Ads through PayPal as well. Send an amount to the PayPal account: VoyForums PayPal Account -- payments at paypal.com and include your E-mail address in the "notes" section of your payment, along with how many months you would like to purchase No-Ads for, what is your forum monthly hit level (which you can view in the counters area in the owner login), your name, and any other feedback or info you would like to send.

We'll then email you a "payment code", and you can use this to create a User ID. Simply go to http://users.voyager.com/ and choose the "Setup No-ads & Create User-Account" link. Then select the "Prepaid code" option, and put the code that we sent you in to the box next to that option. Fill out the rest of your information, skipping the credit card portion, and submit that. Using the payment code allows you to create an account, reserve your name, and access your No-Ads information.

You can use your payment code one time only. If you want to signup for No-Ads, please use the "Setup No-ads & Create User-Account" option to make your contribution and No-Ads payment. (ie. Do not use the link to the "Contribute & Create User-Account" if you want to use your payment code for No-Ads.)

Using Postal Mail to get No-Ads:

You can send your No-Ads payment via regular paper mail ("snail mail") if you'd prefer. Send a check, money order, or cashiers check payable to:

Voyager Info-Systems

and send to:

Voyager Info-Systems
311 N. Robertson Blvd. #778
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Make sure to include your email address and Forum ID numbers! Also, please include how many months you would like to purchase No-Ads for, what is your forum monthly hit level (which you can view in the counters area in the owner login), your name, and any other feedback or info you would like to send.

We'll then Email you a "payment code", and you can use this to create a User ID. Simply go to http://users.voyager.com/ and choose the "Subscribe to No-ads" link. Then select the "PrePaid" option, and put the code that we sent you in to the box next to that option. Fill out the rest of your information and submit it. Using the payment code allows you to create an account, reserve your name, and access your No-Ads information.

You can use your payment code one time only. If you want to signup for No-Ads, please use the "Setup No-ads & Create User-Account" option to make your contribution and No-Ads payment. (ie. Do not use the link to the "Contribute & Create User-Account" if you want to use your payment code for No-Ads.)

Why should I get a User ID?

There are several good reasons why getting a User ID is a good idea.

  1. It will allow you to handle and manage contributions and No-Ads to help keep VoyForums running. You can manage your accounting information and adjust/cancel/recharge in the secured accounting area. It's very convenient and easy.
  2. Reserve your name! For this initial period of introducing the User ID system, we are letting people who contribute to VoyForums in any way (money, No-Ads, volunteering) to reserve their desired name for their User ID. We wanted to acknowledge and show our appreciation for the people who help support the service, and we came up with rewarding you with the opportunity of having a much better chance of getting the name you want than if we opened up the feature right away free to everyone. If you care enough to help us stay running, then we care enough to give you an extra perk. :)
  3. Features! The User IDs will increasingly become an integral part of the service. We will constantly be adding new features to the user account system so that people using VoyForums, admins and posters alike, will have more control and power over their message board experience. Many useful and helpful options will be added over time.
  4. These accounts are not just for VoyForums but will be the center point of all current and future Voyager Info-Systems services.

You can contribute today, and reserve your own member-name
VoyUser-accounts, Contributions, and No-ads are all handled from: http://users.voyager.com/

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VoyForums(tm) is a Free Service from Voyager Info-Systems.
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