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privacy in legal cases; however, we've done it with almost no financial support -- paying out of pocket
to continue providing the service. Due to the issues imposed on us by advertisers, we
also stopped hosting most ads on the forums many years ago. We hope you appreciate our efforts.
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Important: Crucial system performance issues forced us to make
some changes. Bans can now only be placed on IP addresses (ie.
-- You cannot ban a hostname (ie. somecomputer.somewhere.com).
This applies only to read-bans. You may still ban hosts in your write-ban
- What is a Regular Expression?
- How do I use them for Access Restrictions?
- Examples
What is a Regular Expression?
Regular Expressions (regex's) are a wildcard pattern-matching
tool used traditionally under Unix and Unix-like operating system utilities
like grep, sed, awk, and recently Perl.
Regex's are much more elaborate and powerful than standard wildcard
expressions, but are much more complex. For the techies: A regex is a
text string that describes a pattern used to represent a set of strings and
can be represented by a Finite State Automaton (FSA); however, if you know
what an FSA is you probably know what a regex is.
This section will only briefly describe what are known as
General/Extended Regular Expressions as used in common applications and, in
particular, those used by VoyForums. Full details can be found at
other sites.
VoyForums uses Extended Regular Expression syntax to give users the most
Regular Expressions consist of sequences of characters with special meanings:
- Ordinary Characters
- Any characters (other than the following special characters) match
the character itself.
- Backslashed Characters
- A backslash followed by any special character (called "escaping")
matches the special character itself (also referred to as "no magic").
- Periods (.)
- A period (.) matches any character
- Carat (^) and String ($)
- A carat (^) at the beginning of the regex matches the start of a
line, a string ($) at the end of a regex matches the end of the line.
- Brackets ([])
- If you enclose characters in brackets, any one (and only one) of these
characters will be matched. If the first character is a carat (^) then
it will match any characters other than those listed. Ranges of
characters can be specified like [a-z] would allow any lowercase letter,
while [a-zA-Z0-9] will allow any lowercase or capital letter as well
as any digit.
- Parentheses
- Parentheses are used to allow "Back References" (which are
beyond the scope of this document), a grouping of a sequence into one
unit (known as an atom) as well as to provide a way of
matching more than one sub-regex separated by pipes (|).
For instance, the regex he (was|is) there would match both he
was there as well as he is there.
- Plus (+)
- A plus (+) means the previous atom (character or parenthesised
group) must be matched one or more times.
- Asterisk (*)
- An asterisk (*) means the previous atom may be matched zero
or more times.
How do I use them for Access Restrictions?
VoyForums allows Forum Owners to
restrict access to their Forum in order to prevent misuse. Currently this
feature is accessable from the Advanced Configuration area.
In addition to the direct entry of Hosts/IPs and Wildcards allowed in
this configuration (see the Access Restriction page
for general information), VoyForums allows the use of Regular
Expressions (regex's).
To use a Regular Expression one must simply prepend a slash (/) to the
expression. Therefore, VoyForums will recognize /pattern as
indicating that pattern is a regex.
Example: /^198\.168.*$
There are a few things to note for regex's used in the
Access Restrictions area:
- Do not add a trailing slash (/) - the first / is all that is necessary
to specify that it is a Regular Expression.
- They are case insensitive.
- Just like the plain or wildcard entries, when a regex is found
in the Access Restriction area, VoyForums decides it is a Host if it
contains any letters in it. Otherwise it is considered an IP address.
This is important because VoyForums needs to know whether or not it is
comparing the match to a user's Hostname or IP address.
- They do not implicitly match to the beginning and end of the string,
so saying /2 will match a 2 anywhere in the name, thereby probably
banning many IPs one did not intend on banning. To specifically match
IPs that start with a 2 or perhaps a 206 use /^2
or /^206, respectively.
Please note:
When placing entries in a banlist, it is preferred to place a single
hostnames or IP addresses (like " somehost.com ...").
If multiple hosts or IPs are to be banned, use a wildcard if possible (like
"127.0.0.* somehost.com *.otherhost.com"). Regular Expressions, due to
their ugliness and complexity, should be used only when a plain Host/IP or
Wildcard expression cannot handle what is desired.
The following table gives some example entries in your banlists. It
should be evident that the Wildcard method is more-simple to use than
the Regex method, but Regexes are more powerful. Please review all examples.
To ban... |
Wildcard equiv. |
Regex |
Only the IP | |
/^192\.168\.38\.2$ |
Any IP starting with |* |
/^192\.168\.38\.2 |
Any IP starting with 192.168 |
192.168.* |
/^192\.168\..* |
Any IP ending with .200 |
*.200 |
/\.200$ |
Any Host ending with somedomain.com |
*.somedomain.com |
/\.somedomain\.com$ |
Any Host ending with somedomain.com |
*.somedomain.com |
/\.somedomain\.com$ |
Both foo.domain.com and bar.domain.com |
Not possible |
/^(foo|bar).domain\.com$ |
Only,, and |
Not possible |
/^192\.168\.38\.[125]$ |
Only,, and |
Not possible |
/^192\.168\.38\.(1|20|203)$ |
Any host from domain.com that starts with "pop" immediately
followed by an optional number. This includes matching hosts like
pop35foo.bar.domain.com |
Not possible |
/^pop[0-9]*.*\.domain\.com$ |
Any host from domain.com that starts with "pop" immediately
followed by an optional number. This only matches pop#.domain.com |
Not possible |
/^pop[0-9]*\.domain\.com$ |
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