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VoyForums-2.0 has been placed online! At first you may not notice the numerous enhancements, as one of the most important changes is hidden from the user's perspective. The messaging system was completely re-designed and re-coded -- this fixes numerous bugs in the old version, and allows for greater extendability of features from now on.This page attempts to give full detail of the new features -- If you want a quick summary, instead, please visit the VoyForums News Page.
[ This page is under construction! ]
- Archives & Rotation:
- There are now two primary methods of Archival available: Thread and Index Rotation. When the main index of a forum "fills up", which means it has reached the maximum size or number of messages/threads, one or more messages must be moved from the main index into the archives. The old method is Index Rotation; Index Rotation moves the entire list of messages into Archive 1 -- the new method, Thread Rotation will rotate out one or more threads into the first Archive. This allows for a smooth flow of messages into, and out of, a message board.
If Thread Rotation is chosen, we allow Forum Owners to choose what messages will get moved out. The option Earliest means the first thread(s) in the index will be moved out (new posts are considered the last in the index). The Oldest option tells VoyForums to search and find the oldest thread in the listing and rotate that out. Lastly, the Threshhold option allows a Forum Owner to specify the minimum "age" of the threads that are going to be rotated out.
That leads to the confusing Thread Inactivity Threshhold option. When finding which thread to move out, VoyForums will rotate out the first thread that falls within this range of time. If it doesn't find any threads old enough, a rotation must still occur (to stay within limits), so the Oldest thread is then removed.
* Note: If someone replies to a post in a thread, that thread's activity date is updated -- this is where we obtain the "age" of a thread from; it is merely the last date/time a message was posted to that thread.
- Archive (miscellaneous): Forum Owners have the option of allowing users to post replies to messages in Archives. This is default to