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Date Posted: 07:34:24 08/02/02 Fri
Author: Minerva
Subject: Tippy approaches th' other mermaid slowly...
In reply to: Cove 's message, "~Smiles~" on 06:48:21 08/02/02 Fri

Her friend had seemed happy enough with her. Very slowly she inches through th' water, liver keeping her up, specially designed gills filtering th' water into air for her brain, a quality that some other sharks didn't possess. But then, other sharks didn't hunt by stalking thier prey. Finally, she turns, long scythe an inch from th' maid's hand, accepting her as a friend by letting her itch th' black tip of her tail, a spot where all reef sharks enjoyed good scratch. minerva smiles, glad her hesitant, wary friend finally had made a friend. Gitch trys to snort back, but just ends up sending out a trail of bubbles that envelope his head, making one big bubble, morphing his features on th' surface for a second before it pops, leaving him rather confused. Minerva laughs, her face surrounded by clouds of pink, purple, black and blode hair as she gigles convulsivly...

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