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Subject: tired or reading all that crap-mail about Taylor

Koos Reitsma
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Date Posted: 14:27:53 09/06/02 Fri

If the people who are writting in a bad mood about mister Mick Taylor would have bought the CD "Meaning of Life" and would have read the very nice text inside, then they would have understand why mister Todd Sharpville invited mr Mick Taylor for all his shows.
Seeing them live together in Groningen on saturday 27th april 2002 I can only say: you did the right thing mr Todd Sharpville by inviting mr Mick Taylor for your shows.
People, if you don't like (slow) blues with one of the sweetest tones/tunes you've ever heard, very close to Peter Green's sound, then don't go to the show or stop complaining.
If you ONLY want to see a band playing like those 10.000 other bluesbands (hard rockblues), then don't go to the sharpville/taylor show.
If you ONLY want to hear flash=cash blues (like Cream, Hendrix, Ten Years After etc), then don't go to the sharpville/taylor show.
But if you want to hear some class blues: GO CHECK OUT SHARPVILLE.
I Have bought "meaning of life" last saturday. The only thing I can say: Big compliment, I think it's a beautiful and wonderful album. Songtitle itself: the solo reminded me of Peter Green, my favourite guitarplayer.
Guitarists who can remind me of Peter Green' style are rare these days. Till now, there's only one.
Keep this good work going, will try to see the band in December in Leer, Germany. I hope mr. Mick Taylor will be there playing too.

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Subject Author Date
Re: tired or reading all that crap-mail about TaylorGerti23:18:38 09/08/02 Sun
Re: tired or reading all that crap-mail about TaylorJeff14:35:49 09/10/02 Tue

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