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Date Posted: 08:55:08 05/12/08 Mon
Author: CJ in PA
Subject: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like?
I'm looking for a machine for craft purposes only. I do not make clothes. I'd like a machine that has different stitches, can handle heavy fabrics (including layers with batting in between), and possibly does easy embroidery work. I've been looking @ Joann Fabrics, but I'd like some personal input. Can you ladies recommend any machines? tia... CJ
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- -Cougar1, 10:31:11 05/12/08 Mon [1]
I have a Janome that I got for the same reason, plus for making clothes...I really like it alot, and I have used quite a few machines over the 47 years I have been sewing.
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- mared, 10:37:44 05/12/08 Mon [1]
I like my Pfaff creative 7510. I do a lot of crafts--I make quilts, purses drapes, etc.--so this machine holds up to heavy fabrics quite well. It also has some basic embroidery stitches (about 48) that are simple to use and always come out nice. My machine is about 10 years old so I don't know whether the model is still made but I am sure there must be an equivalent. This is the sturdiest, best built machine I have ever had and except for cleanings it never needs any work done. I have previously owned Kemores and Singers.
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- mared, 10:44:51 05/12/08 Mon [1]
CJ--I forgot to mention that if you do a lot of quitling that the Pfaff also has some features that are nice, particulary the needle down setting that you can use when you want the needle to end down in the fabric when you stop sewing, and the 1/4 " foot, and the light that tells you when the bobbin is running low, and you can thread another bobbin without undoing the thread by using a second spool on the second arm. Happy hunting for your machine!
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- Laurel, 11:11:41 05/12/08 Mon [1]
I have Husqvarna Viking machines. I have worked my way up from the basic machine to the top. I have loved all of them. But my suggestion is to take some fabric that you normally use and go to Joanns and ask to sew on some of the machines. They should be more than happy to let you.
I don't know where you live but I know my dealer which is inside a Joanns is the greatest! And the dealer means a lot. They need to be available to you for any help that you may need or want. Take your time and don't let them be pushy about wanting to sell you more than you want. But if you can afford to, at least buy one with a little more than you think you want, you will be glad that you did. Any questions, email me!
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- Del S., 11:42:01 05/12/08 Mon [1]
I am also looking to purchase a sewing machine but would like to know what the prices of the machines you mentioned are and which would be the best for the money??
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- MaryS, 12:00:33 05/12/08 Mon [1]
I also have a Janome and I love it! Does basic stitching as well as quilting stitches. Tried a couple of others but I like simple and easy so chose the Janome. Decent Machines start around 3-400 and up. My gf purchased a Janome on line, same as I purchesd locally, for 100$ less...$359. Check the yellow pages to see what is available in your area. Sometimes having local repair shops will add to the attraction of the machine you decide on. My gf has a bernina and has to send hers out. Takes almost 6 weeks to return as well as S&H. Mine has a local shop and takes 1 week. Best of luck on your decision.
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? --
KrafteeKaren, 14:20:44 05/12/08 Mon [1]
CJ...I have a Singer Model 9410 and love it. Very simple to run and not a lot of fancy stitches. The only thing that I wished it had that it doesn't is the Embroidery stitching especially since it would look nice on some of Allison's clothes. At the beginning of the school year most of the schools around get new sewing machine and they normally get Singer's. If you check with your local Singer dealer you can pick up one for a little bit of nothing.....we paid right at $200 for this one and it would have been $600 had we bought it otherwise. Just ask them for a overstock school sewing machine. Keep us updated as to which one you get.
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- Swedie, 14:44:04 05/12/08 Mon [1]
The last several Singers I have had/used have been garbage! I would definitely recommend against them!
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? --
KrafteeKaren, 17:04:43 05/12/08 Mon [1]
Swedie...that is weird. I've had 3 Singers and 2 Brother's in the 45 years that I have sewn and I would take a Singer over anything especially a Brother. As a matter of fact I still have the Singer that I learned how to sew on and it is still in working order. It is a treadle sewing machine that my Grandma had. Too bad that you couldn't have taken your sewing machines back to the store and got your money back or had them worked on.
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? --
jtsd1965, 18:42:56 05/12/08 Mon [1]
i have a kenmore 150, its an older machine now,about 7-8 yrs, old or so. i just love it. it wasn't real expensive around 900.00 and it has some embroidery built in stitches, ABC's etc: and other stuff, it also has a mirrow image...plus what i like best is the no sweat button hole, just drop your button in ,push a button, bingo. you have made your button hole.i keep thinking of getting a new one, but i can't find fault with this one, hope whatever you get it does you good,,,Wanda
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- CJ, 19:39:26 05/12/08 Mon [1]
Thanks ladies for all your input! Boy, this is really confusing. The only store near me that sells machines is Joann Fabric & they seem to carry Singers. I've never heard of Janome or Husqvarna Viking; & forgot about Pfaff & Kenmore. I don't do quilting; I mainly sew holiday craft items. I currently have a small machine that only does straight stitches & it can't handle heavy fabric from a pattern I started working on. Figured since I have to buy a new one, might as well get something that does a little embroidery for the holidays too.
I'm going to google all of the above manufacturers, try to compare them & see if I can find a local retailer. Wish me luck! lol
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- Carol P, 20:15:57 05/12/08 Mon [1]
Hi, CJ,
I have a Pfaff now that I really like except for the buttonhole option. It's awful.
Tried a Singer a few years ago and it was junk. Was a real disappointment compared to the one I got in the 60's and used for thirty years.
While you're looking around, take a peek at www.AllBrands.com. I ordered my White serger from there and was so happy with it that we ordered two for our 4-H sewing clubs. We recently bought reconditioned Brother machines for our 4-H at BigLots and are happy with them.
Have just added a 1973 Singer to my set of machines and it will have a buttonhole attachment from years ago on it and will be ready to make great buttonholes. Have had to find a permanent place for it since it is so heavy that I don't want to have to move it!
Happy hunting, Carol
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- bonniek, 00:23:27 05/13/08 Tue [1]
I guess I better put in my 2 cents worth. I have Babylock and LOVE it. I paid about 250.00 for it about 10 yrs ago and have had no troubles. I sew a lot of denim and hem jeans a lot and it handles all of that. I would suggest you try a heavy duty needle no matter which machine you buy. The correct needle makes all the difference. The dealer in my area says the Singers you buy in WalMart and such are not a very good machine especially for heavy duty sewing.
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- grandma Bonnie, 09:35:33 05/13/08 Tue [1]
Try to buy a machine that you can get lessons for. Also try to see if there is someone in the are that can work on it if it is needed. Wal Mart has a nice selection of machines. My Janome (10 years old and cost $1200 originally) was in the shop and I sew every day (yes, every day) I bought a Brother for just over $100 as a backup and have not taken my Janome out of its case and it's almost been a year - I am hard on machines (I put the petal down and sew really fast and even sew over pins...) and it is still sewing great!
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- Huskerfan, 12:55:23 05/13/08 Tue [1]
I also have been sewing for about 50 years and do alterations for people now. I started with a singer and loved that machine but now I have a Pfaff that I love and have used for about 8 years. I paid $1000.00 for it. I also have a Janome that I got used for a back up machine. I paid $600. for it and it is also an embroidery machine. I really like it also but the Pfaff is my favorite. I do alot of hemming of jeans and put zippers in alot of coats and the machine just keeps on going. I do get it cleaned. Also as bonniek said, needles are very important. Use the right one and make sure they are not bent or dull.
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- dutchie, 22:49:54 05/13/08 Tue [1]
I gues it is a matter of taste for each person. I had two Brothers over the years. I got used singer and it has outlasted both brothers put together. I recently went to Walmart to update my singer. I decided to get the brother (I was comparing them online.) When I got to walmart the brother I WAS going to get was sold out....buy they had the Singer Ingenuity which I was originally going for, They had a floor model, never sewn on, All feet and bobbin ect. were put away so they wouldn't walk away. The Singer was 100 dollars cheaper, so I bought it. Guess it was "Kharma" lol.
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- grandma Bonnie, 10:16:47 05/14/08 Wed [1]
Huskerfan and bonniek - you are so right on the needles. I use my machines (serger and regular sewing machine) almost on a daily basis. I change the needles on a weekly basis and dust/oil them weekly too. I don't even look at the needle - I just change thyem. They sew miles!!!
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- CJ, 12:24:13 05/14/08 Wed [1]
Grandma Bonnie, you made me laugh. Sounds just like me ... fast & don't always stop for pins. I don't want to spend alot on a machine since it's only for craft purposes (can't really afford to anyway). As long as the machine is durable & can handle heavy fabric, I think I'll be happy.
Thanks for the tip with the needles ladies. I've looked online, but haven't had time to go to the stores & check them out. Too busy watching the hockey playoffs (go Pens) & painting. Since everyone is so kind to give me pointers, I'll let you all know when I finally make the big purchase. :)
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Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- melinda ny, 08:02:16 05/17/08 Sat [1]
I worked in a sewing factory for yrs when i was younger. I learned to sew on almost all of the michines, they even taught me how to cut the material and we're talking 50-75 layers at a time.
After i left the mill, I started sewing crafts (1988) I bought the CHEAPEST ($98.00) sewing machine from SEARS, it have 20 stitches to choice from and a button hole. I finally killed it in 2004. i NEVER put oil in it and i only change my needles when they broke or I when i was sewing blue jeans or something heavy. When i couldn't get anymore power out of my Singer, i bought a KENMORE from walmart ($68.00)- it's not as nice as my Singer, it does go as fast, and I like speed!!! LOL but it sews ok.
I advise is to buy what you need! you don't need a fancy and expensive machine just to sew straight lines. But if you plan to use a machine for A LOT of embroidry, then i recommend that you get something, like the rest of the lasdies have said, that comes with a class or 2, to teach you and a policy, that you can come back for help each time you need it for that money!
melinda NY
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