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Date Posted: 12:24:13 05/14/08 Wed
Author: CJ
Subject: Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like?
In reply to: CJ in PA 's message, "Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like?" on 08:55:08 05/12/08 Mon

Grandma Bonnie, you made me laugh. Sounds just like me ... fast & don't always stop for pins. I don't want to spend alot on a machine since it's only for craft purposes (can't really afford to anyway). As long as the machine is durable & can handle heavy fabric, I think I'll be happy.
Thanks for the tip with the needles ladies. I've looked online, but haven't had time to go to the stores & check them out. Too busy watching the hockey playoffs (go Pens) & painting. Since everyone is so kind to give me pointers, I'll let you all know when I finally make the big purchase. :)

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[> Re: Looking to buy a sewing machine...what machines to you like? -- melinda ny, 08:02:16 05/17/08 Sat [1]

I worked in a sewing factory for yrs when i was younger. I learned to sew on almost all of the michines, they even taught me how to cut the material and we're talking 50-75 layers at a time.

After i left the mill, I started sewing crafts (1988) I bought the CHEAPEST ($98.00) sewing machine from SEARS, it have 20 stitches to choice from and a button hole. I finally killed it in 2004. i NEVER put oil in it and i only change my needles when they broke or I when i was sewing blue jeans or something heavy. When i couldn't get anymore power out of my Singer, i bought a KENMORE from walmart ($68.00)- it's not as nice as my Singer, it does go as fast, and I like speed!!! LOL but it sews ok.

I advise is to buy what you need! you don't need a fancy and expensive machine just to sew straight lines. But if you plan to use a machine for A LOT of embroidry, then i recommend that you get something, like the rest of the lasdies have said, that comes with a class or 2, to teach you and a policy, that you can come back for help each time you need it for that money!
melinda NY

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