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Date Posted: 10:41:04 05/13/08 Tue
Author: Reta
Subject: Re: OT. Country Family Night
In reply to: Sherri 's message, "OT. Country Family Night" on 19:23:48 05/12/08 Mon

We had a western day at my work for indidviduals with disabilites. We had a scavenger hunt and also made homemade butter. Use baby food jars and pour whipping cream a little less than half full and let them shake it into butter. The first one to make theirs into butter was the winner. We also had a pop corn machine like the one at the movies and passed out free pop corn. Bought inexpensive juice drinks and played ring toss, if they rung one it was their prize. We used empty cans wrapped with checkered material and added sunflowers for the tables

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[> Re: OT. Country Family Night -- craftster, 08:46:47 05/16/08 Fri [1]

I sent this yesterday but it doesn't appear today. Go figure.
We have held a games night at out church for a number of years but we use cards and board games and rotate around the room. As an ice breaker we used a roll of toilet paper and asked each person to take as many squares as they think they need (not saying what it will be used for).
After each person has their squares they have to tell everyone else some thing (for each square) about themselves that others wouldn't know. Examples: hobbies, where they were born, trips they have taken etc.
Even after knowing some of the people for many years we found out new information and it was fun.

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