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Subject: Re:It is tempting to go into nerd hyperdrive brain overload on PCL

I wonder if Stagecoach are in Hawaii?
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Date Posted: 01:45:23 01/09/03 Thu
In reply to: 47.1% equity owned PCL--just short of ownership 's message, "Thanks for the tip Hahaha--yes the end to ERG joint ventures" on 01:28:59 01/09/03 Thu

It is a beauty account wise there is no doubt about this--yet ERG did not plan it this way--it was a decision forced on them as you know---to reverse the profit from it's sale at that stage they only owned 30% of it----now totally unplanned by ERG--they now own through the entity's growth a 47.1% share in it---1 if they decided to sell it now--they would not only have to reverse the previous transaction (which as you know was reversed already)--they would get more money for PCL now--for 1a it is worth more and 1b---they own a greater percentage of it.
2) under your rules for equity accounting---getting to 50% means--the bold type which has been done away with at Ozestock you get accused of delusional ramping no doubt--I use it to highlight an important point--obviously--far out BB's
1) Where less than 20% of another company is owned, then the shareholding is treated as an investment and credit is taken only for the dividends actually received or receivable.
2) If between 20 and 50 percent is owned then "equity accounting" can be used, meaning that credit can be taken for all the profits, less the proportion belonging to the outside minority shareholders. (if any)
3) If more than 50% is owned, then the company becomes a subsidiary and this latter principle again applies: credit is taken for all the profits, less the proportion belonging to the outside minority shareholders. (if any)

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Re:2.9% short of getting to number 3---PCLNO NUMBER THREE which is even better01:48:59 01/09/03 Thu

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