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Subject: ReTransurban Group(owneroperator Citylink Melbourne) alliance agreement ERG May 2001week before NRMA

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Date Posted: 08:31:55 02/02/03 Sun
In reply to: anonymous 's message, "Transurban Group(owneroperator Citylink Melbourne) alliance agreement ERG May 2001week before NRMA" on 14:27:46 12/24/02 Tue

JUNE 2001
AUSTRALIA: Australian smart card systems developer ERG has joined forces with NRMA, a
New South Wales-based automobile club, in an alliance that will see 2 million NRMA membership
cards reissued as Proton-based chip cards. While plans for the new card are still in development,
Rob Carter, NRMA member services chief executive, says the chip cards might be used for an expanded loyalty program, as a transit card in Sydney, to pay road tolls and in smart card-accepting devices that could be built into future cars. Carter says the organization hopes to start the switch to smart cards by the middle of 2002. ERG also announced a deal last month with Transurban City Link Ltd., a private company that operates toll roads in the Melbourne area. Some 450,000 motorists pay tolls without stopping, as gantries spanning the tolling points identify vehicles
through a wireless link to dashboard devices. ERG and Transurban will develop transponders that allow motorists to pay with smart cards, says Ian Allen, ERG chief financial officer. He expects the new system will be tested next year. Full story at: www.ct-ctst.com/CT/

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