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Subject: Re: SCM Microsystems' STR-FINREAD

Q2/Q3 2002 for roll out
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Date Posted: 04:00:49 01/07/03 Tue
In reply to: expected implementations 1st 1/4 03.Oct. 29, 2002 's message, "Re: FINREADfoundationEuropean consumers" on 03:42:59 01/07/03 Tue


SCM Microsystems' STR-FINREAD is a new range of programmable smart card terminals dedicated to any application requesting high level of security: Internet banking and shopping, secure WEB access, digital signature, health care, public transportation, etc.

Compliant to FINREAD specifications, it will accept, through secure downloading, any FINREAD Java application written following the Standard.

If offers large memory to securely download several applications, RSA functionality, tamper evident casing as well as tamper resistant memory. Its plug and play feature implies seamless installation for the end user.

STR-FINREAD Smart Card Reader
Trusted Readers for Internet Transactions
It offers the best price/security ratio of the market, using Your Color for the casing, with Your Logo printed on it (based on OEM agreement).

It will be available as a desktop design as well as a portable personal wireless device (RF is optional).


SCM Microsystems extensive experience and knowledge has enabled us to develop this product. SCM's qualifications include:

Over 11 years experience in ASIC development
Over 50 patents
Global top tier OEM, connectivity customer base
Industry endorsed SmartOS™ middleware
Direct relationships with the leading Smart Card manufacturers


Multi-application smart card reader
Multiple interface with host: USB, Serial, RF
Secure downloading of applications
RSA function, secure memory for private keys
Cost effective solution for high security


Microsoft PC/SC drivers
STR-FINREAD is available for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4.0 and 2000 operating systems. It can be used as a transparent PC/SC reader as well as a Trusted FINREAD reader.

Q4 2001 for pilot purposes
Q2/Q3 2002 for roll out

Download or Print this datasheet.

PC connection
RS232 and USB, PnP Support

Smart Card Interface (Electric)
Standard ISO 7816-1,2,3 chip card interface

5V Microprocessor card support (T=1, T=0)

5V memory card on demand

Current compliant with ISO: 60 mA max

Smart Card Interface (Mechanic)
6 contacts

Certified for 100,000 insertions

EMV 3.11 compliant

Supports embossed smart card

User interface
Display: 1 LED, LCD 2x16 characters

Keypad: 4x4 with customizable keys

256 Kbytes of flash for basic version

128 Kbytes of SRAM

Security features
RSA 1024

Tamper evidence casing

Tamper resistant memory

Cable: 2 meter long, DB9 and PS/2 connector for power supply

Colors of connector (RS-232 and keyboard pass through) compliant with PC 99 recommendations

LWH 140x100x60 (mm)

Operating temperature
0o to 60o Celsius

Operating System
SCM SmartOS™

All trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Technical data subject to change without notice, E&OE. © 2000 SCM Microsystems. E&OE

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Re: The Balcard Consortium http://www.voy.com/81870/140.htmljust tossing in a bit of Ducato & Mastercard.02:15:01 01/09/03 Thu

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