Subject: \\ seeing in the dark // |
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Date Posted: 11:12:04 08/30/03 Sat
In reply to:
~ Costa del Sol ~
's message, "~{ Faded Glow }~" on 15:05:22 08/17/03 Sun
\\ seeing in the dark //
The ebon mare made her way slowly over the fields, the long grasses tickling her slender pistons as each hoof touched the ground with care. Auds swivling continuously, nares flared wide as she began to build a mental picture of the area. As she travled farther into this unknown land she gradually became more and more useasy. Each step was timid and reluctant, as if she believed she would step on a rattlesnake at any moment. Her dial dropped uncertainly as she picked her way, her speed decreasing with each stirde till she stood still as a statue. The fem emitted a nervous snort, muscles trembling as she fought to keep from bolting. Auds laid back against her skull moodily as the mare mentally scolded herself. Lost. Again. Would she ever learn to stick to familiar lands? She had no idea where she was. Charcoal muzzle was raised reluctantly as a long clear locator call rang from the depths of her chest. Auds swivled shyly. She knew it was not safe to be alone when she was lost but she never failed to feel silly when some macho stallion had to come and guide her out of a big empty field. She didn't mean to be a pain but it was better safe than sorry. A foehoof pawed the earth idly a moment before she repeated the call, feeling increasily ridiculous..
\\ Labeled // Tribulation
\\ Alias // Trib
\\ Privilege // Fairest
\\ Revolutions // 10
\\ Heritage // Thoroughbred
\\ Stance // 15.3 hands high
\\ Presentation // Sleek raven black without a speck of white on her. Though slender and light as a rule, she is noticeably underweight yet not dangerously so.
\\ Persona // A perfectly amiable mare, easy to befriend and quite fond of company. Mature and steady, she has long since grown out of a filly’s carefree personality. More trusting than most, she places a great deal of stock in loyalty and devotion. A generous giver, expecting little yet deserving much. She has a big soft heart and a compassionate soul, helping others out whenever she can. Always honest and open-minded, others find it easy to confide in her.
\\ Past // A long and uncomfortable affair, Trib’s past is something she would very much like to forget. Recalling is painful, she will share only with those who she has the greatest trust in.
\\ Calling // Loyal only to peace and love, she finds herself just as content on Light lands as on Neutral.
\\ Kin //
Sire: Adonis (is/was on CM)
Dam: Hard Times (doesn't play on CM)
\\ seeing in the dark //
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