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Date Posted: 19:50:58 09/06/02 Fri
Author: LuEsGuO & Puck
Subject: Mission Complete
In reply to: Az'LEGO 's message, "Flashes of light..." on 14:19:08 09/01/02 Sun

Inside the Az'LEGO, things were normal. The LEGOMinion crew were scattering about, and LEGOth sat in his captains chair, keeping watch. Suddenly, the two LEGOperatives appeared out of no where, and then stood to face LEGOth

Good to see you back with us my two operatives. Did the mission succced?

The mission was a succecs sir. LuEsGuO steped forward. I got the information right form the database. They sent three hunters after me, but we escaped.

Yeah, we almost got fragged on someplace called Rugby. Three fleshies tried to off us. The Diminutive Puck stepped forward.

As long as everything is according to plan, eveything is alright. Now, we must continue heading on our present course, take your stations and will comence.

LuEsGuO and Puck bowed, or more like bent at the waist, and took their seats, and the Az'LEGO continued anew.

Why did LEGOth need this information? how did LuEsGuO and Puck end up in the SPUniverse before the Az'LEGO? Is this a pimple or a boil? All will be...POSTED!!!

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