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Date Posted: 12:39:12 12/05/04 Sun
Author: KC
Subject: Re: Is the Bible the literal word of God?
In reply to: STEWART DAVIS 's message, "Re: Is the Bible the literal word of God?" on 18:22:10 12/01/04 Wed

Mr. Stewart says, "No-one is going to hell if they are good people
>>whether Christian, Muslim, Jew or Hindu. The closest
>>version to an explanation of what happens after death
>>can be found in Catholicism or even the visions of the
>>great Indian Sikh Christian convert - Sadhu Sundar
>>Singh and he was not Catholic - all good people (if
>>they are not saints on earth) after death will go to
>>an intermediate spirit state between Heaven and Hell
>>as they are not yet prepared for the blinding light of
>>the Creator. They will be given wisdom from Christ and
>>His angels, and most will gravitate towards that
>>light, the wicked however will hide themselves in the
>>darkness because the light will show them exactly as
>>they are and they will not want to see it and be led
>>away out of fear of that light, gravitating towards
>>the evil spirits of the dark who will take them away
>>into eternal hellfire."

1)The bible states the following:
Ecclesiastes 12:7
Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

Upon death everybody returns the Father who created us. Men and Women were all created by Him regardless of the religion they practice.

2)Reading Luke chapter 16:19-31

Furthermore in Luke 16:26 talking about the beggar and the rich man it says,
And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: So that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

God is very clear about where you wind up after death and used Lazarus and the rich man as an example. Those who are saved under the blood of Christ will be seperated by a gulf or chasm. One must follow the Word and not the traditions of men for man is corrupt and mortal, but God's Word is truth and eternal.

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