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Date Posted: 19:41:03 12/01/07 Sat
Author: Mack & Mary Ann Rogers
Subject: Re: 2006 KIA Sedona towed five times in 4700 miles
In reply to: Spectra Man 's message, "Re: 2006 KIA Sedona towed five times in 4700 miles" on 17:05:53 12/01/07 Sat

>....Fact, KIA is suffering from quickly declining
>>sales as the news of their shoddy treatment of KIA
>>ownwers and the less than stellar quality of their
>>vehicles and their warranty that isn't worth the paper
>>it's written on becomes common knowledge in the U.S.
>>FACT TiDA, you either just don't know what you're
>>talking about or you're one of the many KIA
>>reps/employees that roam the internet on boards such
>>as this spreading false information and claims on
>>behalf of KIA.
>Mr. and Mrs. Rogers:
>WHO is the one with their facts wrong in this case?!?!
>What alternative universe do you live in where a
>15,000+ increase in sales from 2006 to 2007 qualifies
>as "quickly declining sales", as you state. The
>October 2007 vs. October 2006 sales increase accounts
>for 5k of the 15k alone. (See text and link below)
>I'm truly sorry about your son. I'm pulling for both
>of you to get through this tragedy.
>But as they say, the truth generally lies somewhere in
>the middle, and somehow I don't think that this
>tragedy is soley KIA's fault. Sorry... but for a
>rational personal to think otherwise after reviewing
>the known facts, would be folly.
>Disparaging a car company that obviously DOES have
>satisfied customers throughout the globe is probably
>not the best nor ethical way of dealing with your pain
>and frustration. If you think you have a case, go
>ahead and get a lawyer, argue it in front of jury, and
>then post the results back here.
>But it would be advisable to refrain from posting
>obvious falsehoods or at best, misinformed claims
>about what has become a pretty decent maker of
>affordable transportation.
>And for the record, I am NOT a Kia rep or employee
>preading false information and claims on behalf of
>KIA. I'm simply the owner of a 2004.5 Spectra that
>now has 40k+ enjoyable miles on it.
> >href="http://www.kia.com/110107.php">http://www.kia.com

>IRVINE, Calif., November 1, 2007 – Kia Motors America
>(KMA) today announced record October sales of 25,185
>units, a 4.5-percent increase over the previous month,
>and a 25-percent increase year over year. Leading the
>way for the brand were Spectra and Sportage, two
>popular models in the Kia lineup, selling 5,898 and
>4,334 units respectively. Year-to-date sales are
>257,228 units, a 6.3-percent increase over the same
>period last year.

The "declining sales" statement comes from many independent industry sources and is the exact reason the groundbreaking for the new plant was postponed and took over a year from announcement to groundbreaking. Even the completion date is not for certain at this time. I believe KIA announcements about as much as I believe their claims for their vehicles. Bill Clinton claimed to have 'balanced the budget' while President of the U.S. but the GAO claimed otherwise, the GAO (Government Accounting Office) are the accountants of the U.S. Government. I've owned many vehicles in my life that I was completely satisfied with and gave me more than my money's worth of service and not once have I ever felt compelled to spend my time defending those manufacturers against claims of problems from others. I have no way of knowing if those claims are true or not and they're none of my business. You're an unusually 'brand loyal' person, to an unbelievable extent. I consider 40K miles the point at which I've 'broken in' a vehicle fairly well and then it's time to put some serious miles on it. Your time would be better spent on the KIA FORUMS board where KIA owners discuss all the problems with KIA's (I love the ones about broken bolts on and inside the engines) and still somehow convince themselves that they own a quality vehicle with the help of many 'false posters' that are KIA reps/empoyees. I will give you credit for not posting as easily debunked info as TiDA, anyone with a PC and the ability to do a Google search can verify that there has never been a KIA manufactured in the U.S. At the present time all KIA's ever sold in the U.S. were manufactured in South Korea.

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  • Re: 2006 KIA Sedona towed five times in 4700 miles -- Gretchen (Angry), 11:10:25 02/08/11 Tue
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