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Date Posted: 20:20:27 02/13/09 Fri
Author: Andy (none)
Subject: 2002 Kia Spectra, talk about junk

Bought this car from a Toyoya dealer (former Kia dealer also) with about 11000 miles on it. Right off the bat the tranny starts making thumping noises when shifting. Kia replaced the tranny with a rebuilt one that sounded funny also. At 12000 mi both front rotors warped. Kia said this was not covered under the "worlds best warranty" and wanted 200$ for repair. Budget brakes machined the rotors for 22.50 and that took care of the problem, for a while. Then the a/c started to cool less and less and the dealer said all things check out, it's just the really hot weather. Then at 15000 mi a vibration started in the steering wheel. Kia attemped to realign the front end to no avail stating that "I really must of smacked something hard". The vibes continued. Shortly after, the rotors warped beyond repair and this time I got stuck for 125.00. At 20000 miles city gas milage had dipped to 18 from the 23 I used to get and again the dealer said nothing wrong with the car. Poor gas milage, vibrations galore, paltry a/c and heat and a tranny that sounded sick and then my prayers were answered, I thought. A teen ran into the backend and totaled the piece of junk. Now I can buy a real car right, but nooooo cause the retail value of a Kia de-appreciates 50% once you drive it off the lot. Save yourself the misery and buy an american or jap car.

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