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Date Posted: 22:13:16 03/08/09 Sun
Author: Kimberly hall (Furious!)
Subject: Re: Kia RONDO 2007
In reply to: Patty 's message, "Kia RONDO 2007" on 19:02:04 11/01/07 Thu

>We bought a brand new Kia Rondo. 2007. Drove it 4
>months, threw a rod and the motor blew up. Boy the
>"POWER TO SUPRISE" ...Well we were suprised....They
>put in a new motor, but we were totally treated bad.
>When you only have made a few payments on a brand new
>car, you should either get a new car or some kind of
>compensation, well the Corp office told us to turn
>them in to the Better Business Bureau. Now that is
>good business....Everyone should know this...DON'T BUY

I would like to comment on your problem with the 2007 Kia Rondo. I purchased a 2007 Kia Rondo in December 2007 with 8 miles on it. In February 2009 I slid on ice and hit a tree dead center of the front of my vehicle. The airbags failed to deploy and the seat belts failed to lock up. I was driving and thrown straight from the drivers seat into the passenger windshield. The only good thing about that is that my body protected my 14 year old son from further damage. I on the otherhand suffered a dislocated shoulder, a broken bone in my vertebra and severe nerve, tendon and muscle damage to my right arm. Additionally due to the neck injury my left arm along with my right arm has some paralysis. Kia (Richard Sabin with Kia Consumer Affairs) actually made the following statement "after careful review, I feel that the airbags responded appropriately by not deploying. You should expect some bangs, brusing and cuts from a vehicle accident". When he made that statement to me, I was absolutely furious! That accident completely totaled my vehicle and it wasn't a minor accident. I hit the tree right in the center of a tree, now how can anyone say that the airbags should not have deployed? The police, emergency room medical professionals, my insurance company and the orthepedic surgeon I am seeing all have stated that I would have never sustained these injuries had those bags deployed. Then Mr. Sabin went on to ask me just what I wanted from Kia! I told him I didn't know what he meant, and he said "what do you want from Kia, how do you want us to treat this issue". I told him that he was completely wrong about the airbags failing to deploy and that I am a divorced mother of 4 and my children depend on me solely and financially and that if I am now disabled (which I believe I am) that I expect Kia to compensate me. I have 21 years left before I am able to retire, if I am unable to support my family it is a big problem. I purchased that vehicle due to the fact that I live in a rural area and Kia is big on their safety features "dual front end airbags and side airbags". There are deer everywhere in the area in which I live, and the safety features presented to me by Kia was a big deciding factor in my purchase. Unfortunately for me I didn't hit a deer, but a tree and how Kia can justify that the airbags acted properly is beyond me! You can believe one thing, Kia hasn't heard the last from Kimberly Hall. If I am permanently disabled, I will continue to post on this site every single day, because I CAN'T WORK AND HAVE NOTHING ELSE I CAN DO! Thanks for reading and allowing me to vent.

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