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Re: Bob in concert -- Jules, 03:48:21 08/31/03 Sun
>Nope, but I am going to the Ayr Gaity gig - tickets
>for which are going very quickly (stalls virtually
>gone already, circle only a few left).
>Last time I went there it was to see Ian Dury & The
>Blockheads - just hope that isn't an omen. Will badger
>the local main newspaper, the Ayrshire Post, to give
>it a plug. Mind you, the swines won't even give the
>Waterboys a mention when they came from the town so
>what hope's Bob got?!?
>Ayr used to be a favourite of the punk bands
>(especially SLF) back in the days when the Pavillion
>was available - but then it was taken over by some
>neer-do-wells & became the notorious Hanger 13 Rave &
>Drugs nightclub until the police got it closed. Now it
>is a restaurant and kiddies creche. Sad
Did you see many punk bands there? I was only 12/13 and a bit young to get to see too many bands. Managed to see the Rats in Oxford in '79 (my first and best gig ever) and later on saw the Buzzcocks...
Shame about the closure of the club, but that was life then... :) I hope you enjoy Bob in Ayrshire as much as I will in Tamworth...
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Re: Bob in concert -- Mark Boyle, 10:00:29 08/31/03 Sun
The only two bands I ever got to see at the "Pivvy" were the Waterboys & the Saw Doctors (at that time the former's support band) - older readers may remember the Saw Doctors when they were the punk band Blaze X. By the time I was old enough to get into gigs, most of the bands I liked had split up (the first time around, that is!). Sod's Law really.
Stiff Little Fingers always made a point of doing the Pav as well as Glasgow Barrowlands, as did the Waterboys, but they were the exceptions to the rule. That did for the Pav more than anything else, in the same way the famous Glasgow Apollo was closed when bands started bodyswerving it for bigger venues with lousier acoustics!
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