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Date Posted: 12:16:49 09/14/03 Sun
Author: Darran Hamilton
Subject: Fathers rights for umarried fathers

I would like to know where to get information on an unmarried fathers rights. I have access to my children most of the time until my ex-partner and myself have a dispute. I would like to arrange so time to see my children during the christmas period but when I tried to arrange this I have been told by my ex that she does not want to discuss it and she will decide when I will get to see them. I feel the system is unjust and as I am struggling financially it is difficult to get help from a solicitor. I have done many searches on the web but where the british law stands on this is very unclear. I would appriciate any advice or direction on this.

Thank you

A father who loves his children.

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[> Re: Fathers rights for umarried fathers -- Jules, 08:52:11 09/17/03 Wed

>I would like to know where to get information on an
>unmarried fathers rights. I have access to my
>children most of the time until my ex-partner and
>myself have a dispute. I would like to arrange so
>time to see my children during the christmas period
>but when I tried to arrange this I have been told by
>my ex that she does not want to discuss it and she
>will decide when I will get to see them. I feel the
>system is unjust and as I am struggling financially it
>is difficult to get help from a solicitor. I have
>done many searches on the web but where the british
>law stands on this is very unclear. I would
>appriciate any advice or direction on this.
Perhaps you ought to go to your local Citizen's Advice Bureau? Good luck, I hope you find something useful.

The laws regarding rights of unmarried couples in many ways aren't good and these circumstances are increasing.
>Thank you
>A father who loves his children.

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[> Re: Fathers rights for umarried fathers -- Jeremy Parks (lost and confused), 22:48:55 05/12/09 Tue

I am not the biological father to my son.. I have been with his mother from when she was 6 months pregnant till he was 5 months old.my son is notw 10 months old on may 23 2009. My son has my Name as well. I have been fighting for my rights to have him with me.. The Queens Bench of Alberta ( Family Division) has noted on the docket that I am his dad. I am on the birth certificate as well.. Do I have any legal right to my son..

>Thank you
>A father who loves his children.

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