Date Posted:17:28:34 11/05/08 Wed Author:jamie payne (sad about what is going on) Subject: un married dad separated from the mum
I am writing this message on behalf of my the man i love Jamie Payne he is sufering from an ex that blackmails him to live with her or he cant see his son does jamie have rights and can you advice us on what to do as this is tearing jamie apart and its not fair on there son he is 2 half years old and jamie is on is birth certificate jamies ex is trying to make him think he has o stay for there son and thats not fair as they should not stay together just for there son but jamie does not beleive he has rights to as she has put aload of rubbish into his head and made him beleive it im worried about jamie as i love him to bits plz help from claire barsby