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Date Posted: 12:17:29 10/17/03 Fri
Author: Thad Tietsort
Subject: Re: contact with children
In reply to: Elaine Bamber 's message, "contact with children" on 16:41:44 05/02/03 Fri

You said:

"I feel that Sir Bob going so public with his views have physically and emotionally ruined the lives of many children."

This is garbage. Mr/Sir Geldof did not ruin the lives of the many children that you speek of, that blame belongs to the parents of the individual children.

You also said:
"I am at the moment fighting for the rights of my children, they do not want to see their father, but the courts are taking the notion that a father is better than no father at all. This is wrong."

You should be negotiating not fighting. Children do not always know what is best for them. What is wrong is your perception that the children are better off without a father. You can help your children by facilitating and encourage their contact with their father. Let the children make their decisions about their father through his own actions, not your dialogue.

I feel that equal parenting time is important in the lives of the children. It essential comes down to what is in the best interests of the children. Both parents are important when the parents live together, it is the same when both parents don't live together. The courts have made issues of custody regarding children adversarial and there is definite evidence to support a bias against fathers. The parents should continue to work together for the good of their children. I think what he did was admirable.

It's FatherTime.

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[> Re: contact with children -- Sha'uri, 18:45:00 10/21/03 Tue

I agree with Jules - Each case on it's own merits. There are so many different scenarios and situatons it is very hard to make global judgements.

There have been two cases in New Zealand recently where a child has been killed (Sorry - one, one has still to go to trial) by the man living with the mother. The fathers have commented on how helpless they feel, having less access to their children than a virtual stranger. This, and the helplessness they have at not being able to protect their children.

Definitely there are good Mums & Dads, and Bad Mums and Dads, you can't say one is better than the other, but in my considered opinion you can't beat having at least one of each in the same house!!

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