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Date Posted: 18:34:24 09/04/04 Sat
Author: Cherl , South Carolina
Subject: Re: The Rights of Non-Custodial Parents
In reply to: Ann Jordan 's message, "Re: The Rights of Non-Custodial Parents" on 02:34:56 07/02/04 Fri

It is so nice to know I'm not a bad parent like I was starting to make myself believe. Almost 5 years ago, I lost custody to my ex on all 3 of our children. He also lied. He told me he wanted a divorce because he didn't love me anymore...eventually, we agreed upon a non-contested divorce. When I arrived at court, he had a lawyer and was saying I abandoned him and the kids and that I was mentally and physically abusive to the the children. I was so devastated. I have been ever since. I pay him child support and obey my court order, of course he has total disregard for it. I have been trying to hold in contempt for 4 years now. There are times that he will not let me talk to or see our kids for months at a time. He has remarried also and added to more kids to their family.....now I pay more child support because he has more mouths to feed as he put it to me. He was awarded more child support. He owns his own business which he has moved to a town 30 minutes away. He does'nt lack for money and definitly does not need child support, but I do it, even when I don't get to see my children...I have yet to remember or understand where and why and how I lost custody of my children. It's depressing.

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[> [> [> Re: The Rights of Non-Custodial Parents - a Father's story in Virginia/Maryland -- Ed, 09:46:28 09/18/04 Sat

I've been reading these entries and replies herein while in search of answers for paternal Fathers like me who are non-custodial parents, and finding few, except the proverbial: "...legal system is flawed...," etc.

I too am a victim of a legal bias against non-custodial parents, myself a Father now excluded from any physical contact with my 14 year-old son's life by a attorney Ex-wife. She knows I can only contest her failure to provide consent ordered physical visitation and phone access in a contempt suit I can't afford to initiate, and I pay my MD child support electronically without fail on a monthly basis since 1998 Divorce.

Even the Montgomery County court appointed attorney claimed in a letter she is powerless to help me obtain visitation since there is no active motion in court on denied visitation...the courts presume that legally once child support is paid, non-custodial parents will receive legally entitled visitation automatically, and there are no County or state court mechanisms to help enforce the rights of non-custodial parents.

I too was forced in court to give up joint custody in 1998 owing to my imminent overseas deployment into combat while on active duty with the armed forces, and now am feeling the loss of fathering my son years later in a lop-sided legal situation I'm powerless to change. It's a shame congress, state and local governments don't accord more tax dollars to solving the broken home problems and single-parent decay of children resulting from inability of non-custodial parents, regardless of sex, to have a meaningful role in their childrens' lives, just because of vindictive sole-guardian parents bias and inaction in the civil courts.

I feel for all those sentiments expressed herein, regardless of the gender of the non-custodial parent as I'm one too. The social and legal system in these regards does need repair and revision.

Ed M Sept 2004

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[> [> [> [> Re: The Rights of Non-Custodial Parents - a Father's story in Virginia/Maryland -- Peter Ashlock (Perpetual irritation), 19:28:02 04/09/12 Mon

I'm with you. My case is over 25 years old, the kids are grown and I still am being stigmatized and harassed by the DSHS Child Support people in Washington State where my ex kidnapped my children to and they protected her, telling her only to "not do it again" when I complained.
You are right, non custodial parents are assumed to be villains and treated like criminals. They of course deny that they do that, but the preponderance of experience is with people like us who did not choose the situation and if we had the money to contest the situation they would petition for an increase in payments and demand to know where the money came from. They act like pit bulls with their teeth around your neck.
I'd like to start a national petition to pressure the various state governments to change the archaic and mean spirited pseudo laws that criminalize without charging.

>I've been reading these entries and replies herein
>while in search of answers for paternal Fathers like
>me who are non-custodial parents, and finding few,
>except the proverbial: "...legal system is flawed...,"
>I too am a victim of a legal bias against
>non-custodial parents, myself a Father now excluded
>from any physical contact with my 14 year-old son's
>life by a attorney Ex-wife. She knows I can only
>contest her failure to provide consent ordered
>physical visitation and phone access in a contempt
>suit I can't afford to initiate, and I pay my MD child
>support electronically without fail on a monthly basis
>since 1998 Divorce.
>Even the Montgomery County court appointed attorney
>claimed in a letter she is powerless to help me obtain
>visitation since there is no active motion in court on
>denied visitation...the courts presume that legally
>once child support is paid, non-custodial parents will
>receive legally entitled visitation automatically, and
>there are no County or state court mechanisms to help
>enforce the rights of non-custodial parents.
>I too was forced in court to give up joint custody in
>1998 owing to my imminent overseas deployment into
>combat while on active duty with the armed forces, and
>now am feeling the loss of fathering my son years
>later in a lop-sided legal situation I'm powerless to
>change. It's a shame congress, state and local
>governments don't accord more tax dollars to solving
>the broken home problems and single-parent decay of
>children resulting from inability of non-custodial
>parents, regardless of sex, to have a meaningful role
>in their childrens' lives, just because of vindictive
>sole-guardian parents bias and inaction in the civil
>I feel for all those sentiments expressed herein,
>regardless of the gender of the non-custodial parent
>as I'm one too. The social and legal system in these
>regards does need repair and revision.
>Ed M Sept 2004

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