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Date Posted: 09:34:20 03/24/13 Sun
Author: jeffman
Subject: Re: Well, c'mon folks. Let's kick start this board again!
In reply to: Shirley 's message, "Re: Well, c'mon folks. Let's kick start this board again!" on 17:19:48 03/18/13 Mon

We do use the heirloom seeds when we find them. We find that these companies have bred them to grow bigger and with stronger resistance but they have bred the taste right out of things. All our heirloom veggies taste so much better. We can tell when we open a canned jar of heirloom vs the genetically modified as soon as we taste it.

I will take a look online and see what I can find with Monticello seeds.

>I'm not sure Who's going to do our garden this year.
>Ralph has been having problems with balance and is now
>in therapy to hopefully correct it. Mush of it might
>be due to being flat footed. Hope this doesn't go the
>way of hearing problems. He went for the test, was
>later fitted but refuses to wear them! That was
>$3,600 down the drain. Grrrrrr.
>As for the garden, try to get heirloom seeds, Jeff.
>They haven't been genetically modified by Monsanto.
>Bees won't stay where engineered flowers/crops exist.
>My granddaughter had a big garden in TN and will have
>the same in MI and she had several beekeepers who
>brought their hives to a place on her property. She
>had old growth pear, apple and peach trees and her
>garden was all heirloom seed. We'll see how this goes.
>Looking through my Monticello catalog, I found they're
>now selling heirloom seed in their gift shop. You can
>mail order if you like.

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