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Date Posted: 05:34:18 03/29/13 Fri
Author: Paul Davis
Subject: Ouch
In reply to: Shirley 's message, "Well, c'mon folks. Let's kick start this board again!" on 14:00:53 03/17/13 Sun

Sounds painful. Hope you and your folks are all OK.

>It's been a long haul but we're all getting there. By
>the time I had second hip replaced it had grown into
>the pelvic bone but I'm alive and recovered and no
>more excruciating pain. Can only walk with my walker
>but you'd be surprised at what I can do from a
>wheelchair! I can dust, use the Swiffer on hardwood
>floors, kitchen and bath floors and believe me, my
>view from down here let's me see every speck of dirt
>or dust.
>Further update on our Randy: He had a nine hour
>surgery to correct congenital scoliosis and he gained
>4-5 inches in height but then his arms were too short
>to manage personal hygiene so still needs 24/7 care
>which Jeff is providing and the school system is home
>schooling him because he has steel rods along his
>spine from the shoulders to the tail bone. He's had
>bone lengthening surgery on his upper arms. The last
>metal sleeve (which has a screw that has to be turned
>several times each day) and the last one will come off
>next month, He's gained three inches on each arm and
>the surgeon hasn't yet decided on doing the lower
>arms. If not, the next will be his calves which have
>to be broken in several places and we're dreading
>that. My therapist tells us that will be the most

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