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Date Posted: 20:12:33 01/29/03 Wed
Author: Forbidden Depths
Subject: ^..::Depths::..^
In reply to: Ember 's message, "She nods, her gaze still not meeting his....." on 13:11:13 01/26/03 Sun


^..::The drake grins, the brightnessof it dimmed by an unusual glimmer from within. With a smooth and gentle motion he reaches out to the little red and pulls her close. Tail curling protectively about her waist and neck lowering slightly to her. Lips of turqoise place a single light kiss upon her darkened lips. Optics slip close as he does so and then he withdraw from her, but only so very slightly. Waiting. So a reaction. Any. Hopefully a non painful one...::..^

Name- Forbidden Depths
Nickname- Forbidden Depths
Age- 18
Breed- Demon Dragon
Gender- Male
Align- Dark
Scale Color- Deep Turquoise
Scale Design(?)- Swirls of creamy white like whirl pools along his scales
Wing Color(s)- Deep Turquoise
Wing Type- 4-digit(lesser)
Wing Design(?)- Swirls of creamy white like whirl pools along his scales
Eye Color(s)- Ever Changing
Nail/teeth coloration- Black nails and Black teeth
Distinctive Marking- Underbelly is a metallic silver, two rows of sharp silver spikes on the edge of his tail, only five long. Can be loosened to throw at an enemy.
Encrusted Marks(?)- None
Power- Ice

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