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Date Posted: 21:59:27 04/03/03 Thu
Author: lena
Subject: Re: How can we make Jerry feel better?
In reply to: F4IFF - Jing Yi 's message, "How can we make Jerry feel better?" on 09:38:59 02/22/03 Sat

>Hello everyone. Lately there have been many bad news
>and rumours pulling down Jerry's moods and making him
>feel bad about himself. If you have read the news page
>you may have read that he even has started hating
>himself now.
please don't be upset.., everybody loves you....
pray for all of those things oke...

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[> How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Lady Kay, 12:53:43 04/10/03 Thu

Well hello there...
I'm not sure the real problem here. but anyway there's no reason why you need to be upset on that matter. Be positive and think straight ... if a person says that you're not good ... or not good looking enough there might be a reason why... there's always a reason behind everything... just think of the positive ones...

If this message gets to you Jerry... I'm a Radio DJ and im sure some of the listeners out there agrees and dont agree with what ive done even my mates might think they are better than me... but hey thats not a reason to be down and look down upon urself.. find a solution to it... CHeers.

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