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Date Posted: 09:38:59 02/22/03 Sat
Author: F4IFF - Jing Yi
How can we make Jerry feel better?
Hello everyone. Lately there have been many bad news and rumours pulling down Jerry's moods and making him feel bad about himself. If you have read the news page you may have read that he even has started hating himself now.
Is there anything we can help? Can anyone think of a activity or something to let jerry know that there are many of us supporting him.
Webmasters: Please contact us and see what we can do together.
<< Unity is strength >>
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- susan, 02:33:08 02/24/03 Mon
>Hello everyone. Lately there have been many bad news
>and rumours pulling down Jerry's moods and making him
>feel bad about himself. If you have read the news page
>you may have read that he even has started hating
>himself now.
>Is there anything we can help? Can anyone think of a
>activity or something to let jerry know that there are
>many of us supporting him.
>Webmasters: Please contact us and see what we can do
><< Unity is strength >>
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Chika, 02:02:31 03/06/03 Thu
I think Jerry and the other F3 have work hard and have done their best. Please don't just think the negative news from the media, they will hurt you guys... Be positive and open minded - don't let them ruin you. Jerry, please be strong..maybe go to a nice place for a holiday. We love you and will support you always.....
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- natalie, 20:44:07 03/09/03 Sun
>>Hello everyone. Lately there have been many bad news
>>and rumours pulling down Jerry's moods and making him
>>feel bad about himself. If you have read the news page
>>you may have read that he even has started hating
>>himself now.
>>Is there anything we can help? Can anyone think of a
>>activity or something to let jerry know that there are
>>many of us supporting him.
>>Webmasters: Please contact us and see what we can do
>><< Unity is strength >>
hello....thank you for approving the fans to voice out opinions to help poor jerry!!i consider myself as a new fan of f4 as i've just started to like and even love them...they sing,act,dance&treat people good and media obviously felt unpleasant with that as they always think that artists are different from ordinary people(but they are wrong)and will always try hard to find even one single tiny mistake or just one that they made up themselves to make sure there's something to talk,to mock and to write about on tomorrow's paper about artist...so:BE POSITIVE&IF U KNOW U'VE DONE WELL THEN FANS LIKE US,KNOW THAT TOO so CHEER UP&KEEP UR CHIN HIGH JERRY!:)
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Doreen, 05:12:03 03/16/03 Sun
>>Hello everyone. Lately there have been many bad news
>>and rumours pulling down Jerry's moods and making him
>>feel bad about himself. If you have read the news page
>>you may have read that he even has started hating
>>himself now.
>>Is there anything we can help? Can anyone think of a
>>activity or something to let jerry know that there are
>>many of us supporting him.
>>Webmasters: Please contact us and see what we can do
>><< Unity is strength >>
Pls do not get upset. In this media world, you will expect alots of upset and interesting & happy news. Because of your popularity, the media is trying to get as much news of you. Also, there are people that are jealous of you too. So be strong and fight for it. Always remember to be happy. I'm sure you have heard news of other famous actor or actress that have been published of worst than yours. Eg. Nicholas Tse or Carina Lau. They are worst than you....... So take it easy and time will clear out. I really love to see your handsome face especially when you smile.. (so charming) Keep it up.....Take Care..
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Talking about Nicolas... -- Zoe, 11:49:58 03/19/03 Wed
I just saw on Tv that he's ome back out again!!! It was 1 year then in May and now he's come back out in March. he has changed his attitude though dont u all think?
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- lorna, 17:13:01 05/14/03 Wed
>>>Hello everyone. Lately there have been many bad news
>>>and rumours pulling down Jerry's moods and making him
>>>feel bad about himself. If you have read the news
>>>you may have read that he even has started hating
>>>himself now.
>>>Is there anything we can help? Can anyone think of a
>>>activity or something to let jerry know that there
>>>many of us supporting him.
>>>Webmasters: Please contact us and see what we can do
>>><< Unity is strength >>
>pls don't get upset, I've been seeing you at mtv, u look great and I'm happy that i learned about your group, and honestly I'm one of your biggest fan here in the pHilippines and I hope you will held a concert here so that I can see you personally and even chat with even a short period. your such a cute person and I like the way you smile and dress up. F4 is a group and I like your group too. But I like you more.
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Quan Rung, 03:27:25 02/24/03 Mon
>Hello everyone. Lately there have been many bad news
>and rumours pulling down Jerry's moods and making him
>feel bad about himself. If you have read the news page
>you may have read that he even has started hating
>himself now.
>Is there anything we can help? Can anyone think of a
>activity or something to let jerry know that there are
>many of us supporting him.
>Webmasters: Please contact us and see what we can do
><< Unity is strength >>
Please contact me!!! thanx
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- ila, 22:29:07 02/27/03 Thu
Hi I'm ila from Penang,Malaysia.I just want to say to Jerry that you should proud to yourself.You try your best to everything that you have done and you should not bother to any people say because you do it for yourself not to them. Right? So cheer up and enjoy your career as actor and singer.I hope this simple message would give you more confident in yourself.
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- clair L.Jacinto, 22:10:04 08/19/03 Tue
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Kacy, 09:20:23 02/24/03 Mon
the only way to make it known is thru the damn media again. if not how will he get to know? so please, PLEASE, anyone who has contacts in the media or reporters, please arrange a column for us to tell Jerry we'll stand by him and always believe in F4 & him.
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- sue, 05:33:45 02/26/03 Wed
Let him know that we will stand by him and we will never ever hate him......we love u JERRY
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Shan Cai, 00:31:05 02/28/03 Fri
Jerry we will always love u n d other f3 continue doin wat u shoul do 2 d fullest don give up hope
i beleive tat if u tell urself u can do it u wil in d n
one more thing even my little sister luves ur songs nut wen i told her bout this she said tat u guy should not listen 2 wat other people say jus bleive in ur self
well gtg byie hope ya feel betta!!!
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- joanna, 01:15:08 03/01/03 Sat
i don't how to make jerry feel better , but i will support him forever
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What is he doing now? -- JY, 09:42:21 03/02/03 Sun
Does anyone know how jerry is lately?
What other ways is there to contact jerry to let him know our support?
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Caroline[LynN], 16:50:36 03/08/03 Sat
>Hello everyone. Lately there have been many bad news
>and rumours pulling down Jerry's moods and making him
>feel bad about himself. If you have read the news page
>you may have read that he even has started hating
>himself now.
>Is there anything we can help? Can anyone think of a
>activity or something to let jerry know that there are
>many of us supporting him.
>Webmasters: Please contact us and see what we can do
><< Unity is strength >>
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Re:^.~*wink*How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Caroline[LynN], 16:55:42 03/08/03 Sat
You shouldn't let the media make you feel like this... they do this to see it works...you show them that you can take what they're doing and it shows they can't do a thing to make you feel so depressed because of them -=] life sux but you live the best of it any way lol don't comment on them either...the more you show you care about them they come to bother you more -=] good lukc in the future keep the good work up -=] your hot rofl...x3~mIsS.dOrkY~
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- lis, 00:43:14 03/09/03 Sun
Be happy with the fans that love you and forget the ones that hurt you...Never let any person or rumor break your charm...The tragedy of life is what dies in the man when he lives..(courtesy of Albert Einstein)....BE HAPPY! you have more lovers than haters!
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- lis, 00:44:51 03/09/03 Sun
>Be happy with the fans that love you and forget the
>ones that hurt you...Never let any person or rumor
>break your charm...The tragedy of death is what dies in
>the man when he lives..(courtesy of Albert
>Einstein)....BE HAPPY! you have more lovers than
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Krissie, 05:09:13 03/11/03 Tue
Do the media know how big and successful were the F4? They have a huge and supportive fans around so as Jerry! And that particular company will be shut down if we, the forever F4 fans on STRIKE!!!Just kidding...no actually that's true!Well,the media doesn't have any rights to condemn anyone....eventhough it's some kind of their "duty"....But try to put them in Jerry's situation?? I'm so certain that no one will ever like that (for a normal human of course!)Jerry, I guess it's more important to hear from your fans that those heartache yet unconsiderate rumours,rite? So , cheer up and love each and every moment u're spending right now...tour, singing, acting....and definitely, the not to be missed, meeting your CRAZY FANS all over Asia!!!!Yeah!!!!Come on...don't be so moody, get up and enjoy! I LOVE F4....so as MY FRIENDS.....so as MY COUSINS.....and of course, so as MY SISTER...in one simple word,EVERYONE!!!!! One thing is definitely true...."JERRY HAVE MORE LOVERS THAN HATERS!!!!"
P/S: F4 will remain F4 no matter what!Jerry,Vic,Ken,Vanness
U guys are awesome...I couldn't describe with any
words that Webster have ever created!Uh....again, U
guys are the best...talented and undoubtedly..GORGEOUS!
Jerry,we will be always standing at your back,just in
case you ever fall....we are always here supporting you
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- johnchua, 20:43:03 03/12/03 Wed
>Hello everyone. Lately there have been many bad news
>and rumours pulling down Jerry's moods and making him
>feel bad about himself. If you have read the news page
>you may have read that he even has started hating
>himself now.
>Is there anything we can help? Can anyone think of a
>activity or something to let jerry know that there are
>many of us supporting him.
>Webmasters: Please contact us and see what we can do
><< Unity is strength >>
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Panja, 10:44:48 03/19/03 Wed
Eventhough my country has not much news about him,i heard about him from many website and friends from Tiwan.As i knew ,Jerry has tried to do his work best ,he loves his fan and also cares of his fans.It is not faitr for him if we re trust that news without knowing the true! Some of reporter trying to fake his new b'c they wanna make their have more interesting without caring his feeling so we should believe in him and keep on supporting him .Dont give up Jerry ! we love you!!
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- lena, 21:59:27 04/03/03 Thu
>Hello everyone. Lately there have been many bad news
>and rumours pulling down Jerry's moods and making him
>feel bad about himself. If you have read the news page
>you may have read that he even has started hating
>himself now.
please don't be upset.., everybody loves you....
pray for all of those things oke...
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How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Lady Kay, 12:53:43 04/10/03 Thu
Well hello there...
I'm not sure the real problem here. but anyway there's no reason why you need to be upset on that matter. Be positive and think straight ... if a person says that you're not good ... or not good looking enough there might be a reason why... there's always a reason behind everything... just think of the positive ones...
If this message gets to you Jerry... I'm a Radio DJ and im sure some of the listeners out there agrees and dont agree with what ive done even my mates might think they are better than me... but hey thats not a reason to be down and look down upon urself.. find a solution to it... CHeers.
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Candi, 21:37:29 04/22/03 Tue
>Hello everyone. Lately there have been many bad news
>and rumours pulling down Jerry's moods and making him
>feel bad about himself. If you have read the news page
>you may have read that he even has started hating
>himself now.
>Is there anything we can help? Can anyone think of a
>activity or something to let jerry know that there are
>many of us supporting him.
>Webmasters: Please contact us and see what we can do
><< Unity is strength >>Hi... there's no need for Jerry to be sad coz we all know that the media is faking the news just to influence people to hate him. Jerry is a nice guy so carry on with your work and always remember that we all love u no matter what happens........
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- Candi, 21:38:52 04/22/03 Tue
>>Hello everyone. Lately there have been many bad news
>>and rumours pulling down Jerry's moods and making him
>>feel bad about himself. If you have read the news page
>>you may have read that he even has started hating
>>himself now.
>>Is there anything we can help? Can anyone think of a
>>activity or something to let jerry know that there are
>>many of us supporting him.
>>Webmasters: Please contact us and see what we can do
>><< Unity is strength >>
>>Hi... there's no need for
>Jerry to be sad coz we all know that the media is
>faking the news just to influence people to hate him.
>Jerry is a nice guy so carry on with your work and
>always remember that we all love u no matter what
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- luv, 20:14:59 04/23/03 Wed
>Webmasters: Please contact us and see what we can do
><< Unity is strength >>
Hi all,
just to inform you we have another F4 fans community.
please support us at http://www.f4fans.net
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JERRY IS HOT HOT HOT IN THE PHILIPPINES! -- joannakatrina, 14:34:52 05/26/03 Mon
if taiwan didn't have SARS we wish the F4 led by Jerry of course would fly to the Philippines... let's face it.. we're just in episode 6 of meteor garden 1 and people here are going nuts... they sold around 10 million posters of f4 in a day for crying out loud! And besides... jerry it comes with the territory, as long as its not true..don't get affected.
Hey, and someone should tell them to talk/swap mail with a fan, it'll make them feel better.
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Re: JERRY IS HOT HOT HOT IN THE PHILIPPINES! -- shancai, 04:39:59 09/07/03 Sun
yes that was true
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- lord_fontleroy, 14:49:56 06/25/03 Wed
There's nothing to worry about since Jerry was able to keep up things to himself (after learning some new stuffs) but yes of course we should show him our support to make him feel much better. Eventually his single was in #5 in the daily MYX Chart (with contenders like of Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Blue but as usual these peeps didn't make, it only some of F4's song, Jerry's single and Broken Vow made it in the top 5) And that's a compliment for Jerry!!! Keep up the good work!!!
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Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- zhayenne, 18:48:48 08/11/03 Mon
I think I'm the newest fan of the F4 on earth!!! I really find it corny at first seein' almost everybody bein hooked up with F4..and i really regret it..now, it seems I have to swallow my words..and shout to the world I'm one of them...
To Jerry, You're a big man, You look GREAT AND STRONG,DON'T LET this evil world bring you down...every bad things that comes your way are all part of your life now..you need this to mold you, and prepare you for GREATER THINGS... YOUR MILLION OF FANS are there for you with two THUMBS UP...SAYING HOLD ON...AND CHEER UP!!! ZA YO!!!
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