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Date Posted: 14:49:56 06/25/03 Wed
Author: lord_fontleroy
Subject: Re: How can we make Jerry feel better?
In reply to: F4IFF - Jing Yi 's message, "How can we make Jerry feel better?" on 09:38:59 02/22/03 Sat

There's nothing to worry about since Jerry was able to keep up things to himself (after learning some new stuffs) but yes of course we should show him our support to make him feel much better. Eventually his single was in #5 in the daily MYX Chart (with contenders like of Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Blue but as usual these peeps didn't make, it only some of F4's song, Jerry's single and Broken Vow made it in the top 5) And that's a compliment for Jerry!!! Keep up the good work!!!

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[> Re: How can we make Jerry feel better? -- zhayenne, 18:48:48 08/11/03 Mon

I think I'm the newest fan of the F4 on earth!!! I really find it corny at first seein' almost everybody bein hooked up with F4..and i really regret it..now, it seems I have to swallow my words..and shout to the world I'm one of them...

To Jerry, You're a big man, You look GREAT AND STRONG,DON'T LET this evil world bring you down...every bad things that comes your way are all part of your life now..you need this to mold you, and prepare you for GREATER THINGS... YOUR MILLION OF FANS are there for you with two THUMBS UP...SAYING HOLD ON...AND CHEER UP!!! ZA YO!!!

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