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Date Posted: 21:54:43 02/20/03 Thu
Author: tiny
Subject: Tiny is as tiny does...

large 6 horse angle load truck drives up the driveway. the side reads Hurcomes Thouroghbred, the finest around the truck pulls up and a tall man of about 30 gets out. he smiles politely and goes around to the back. he leads the small filly out of the back of the truck, there he ties her up to the side and lets her settle before moving her again. he goes to the front/storage compartment of the truck. he takes out a pales pink doona rug, a navy blue canvas rug with "tiny" imprited on the hind in gold letters. he also comes out with special feeds for growing champions! he leaves everything on the ground and goes into the compartment this time bringing out a white and navy checked light/cotton rug, 2 leather headstalls with "tiny" on a brass nameplate on the cheek, a black leading show bridle and a padded stable guard. now he turns and attends to the filly. he gently takes the padded head guard from her head and then he unstraps her fleece travel boots, next he unwraps her grey tail. He leaves her with her fleece rug on. he throws her doona rug over the top and does up the brest strap and the surcingle. He reache's down and grabbs her canvas rug, he gently places it on her back and then does up the brest strap, the leg straps and the surcingle. he fanstens the neck rugs and checks that the hood was not too tight or too loose. he readgusts her fleece covered headstall over the top of the rugs and then re-ties her to the float.
"ah you can have all this stuff for free with her, for a matter of speackin' you can have her for free too NOT that there's nuthin' wrong with her..." he nods and waits for the lady to take the horse from the float so he could get out of there as soon as possible. he pulls up the tail gait of the truck and then climbs to the drivers side and closes the door.

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