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Subject: <*>Unlucky<*>

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Date Posted: 00:07:18 06/23/06 Fri

Not again! Shite's luck had always been crap. When everyone had seperated, Shite had taken Ek'Nav away, and now he had to come back. And he was doing so well! He had found a nice place, devoid of light on the inside when he wanted it, which was good. Other than that, it was a bad place to be living. Well, not too bad. Then Hayden had to show up and drag them back. Needless to say Shite wasn't too happy, but he declined to fight it. After all, he'd seen what Ek'Nav could do, and Dorjan still had control over him.

In one hand was a suitcase, which contained most of the implements needed in daily care of Ek'Nav. Not too many, but it also included the various things Ek'Nav used through the day. Shite had given Ek'Nav the privacy, and allowed him to be the only one to look through the thing. When he needed a tool, he just asked Ek'Nav to get it, who probably had it before he even asked.

Around his shoulder, and running diagonally accross his chest, was a strap leading to another bag, which contained their clothes. It wasn't many, as Shite and Ek'Nav were both rather poor. In fact, the only clothes they had were the ones they had recieved at this very mansion. they got them because they were special. Ek'Nav was king of the pit, and Shite was just about the only one that could handle him in a day to day situation.

A cigarette adorned his lips, which he puffed at gently. He loved the habit. His pants were baggy cargo deals, which contained most of the things used nowawadays in normal life. A knife or two, some tissues, etc. Nothing real big. His t-shirt was black.

He looked over to Hayden quietly, tapping his chin just a bit with his free hand. "Home sweet home, I guess."

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[> Subject: -<-@ Rose @->-

Hayden, Ek'Nav
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Date Posted: 09:15:55 06/23/06 Fri

Hayden had grown over the years - rapidly it seemed. He was far from the small, timid-looking boy he had been, now on the brink of his early twenties. When Dorjan had left the mansion, Hayden had gone with his master of course. And, despite his strong loyalty and the money he had been bringing in, Hayden knew his time was almost up. This is what kept the slight frown on the young man's face, and made his return home all the more bitter.

"For some of us, it's the only home we'll ever have." He was still soft-spoken, but there was an edge to his voice now, reminding Shite sharply that Hayden was still of a higher rank, and not afraid to flaunt it now.

Ek'Nav seemed impartial to the new surroundings, his wings shuffling quietly behind him. They'd been trimmed again before arriving here; before he'd ever really had a chance to use them.

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[> [> Subject: <*>Unlucky<*>

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Date Posted: 20:22:03 06/25/06 Sun

"Home is what you choose it to be."

The man shrugged, shifting his head to look over at Ek'Nav, then back to Hayden. His eyes glazed over ever so slightly in pity. He hated to see people like Hayden go. He knew it was coming, and he hated to think of it. He'd grown fond of the man. Not like he care for Ek'Nav, but more like that of an older brother's fondness for a younger brother. It was odd. It was too bad he could do nothing to stop it, as far as he knew.

It didn't take long before his eyes diverted, looking right back at the ground. Counting the cobblestone type things up to the door. There were still about fifty, the way he counted. Fifty two, actually.

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[> [> [> Subject: ->--@ Rose @--<-

Hayden, Ek'Nav
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Date Posted: 04:45:16 06/26/06 Mon

Hayden 's gaze trailed over to Shite, mood soured by the other's distaste for his home, though he didn't bother restating that fact. If Shite hadn't been with them, returning here would only have been bittersweet.

Ek'Nav still seemed rather unopinionated on the whole topic, though his eyes were cast more towards the sides of the mansion and not directly at it, which really wasn't uncommon considering his typically downcast nature.

Hayden crossed the front steps of the mansion, waiting at the door for both Shite and Ek'Nav to follow. The demon took his time with the steps, wings ruffled lightly. It was obvious he didn't exactly enjoy scaling them, few as they were.

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Date Posted: 05:54:45 06/26/06 Mon

Shite moved to Ek'Nav's side, gently rubbing that spot between his wings, gently trying to soothe him. He had an eye for that sort of thing. It took some time to learn, but he had had nothing but time when Ek'Nav was first 'born'.

It was funny, kind of. Shite had been a hard lived man back in the day. A guy who would've never thought to touch someone, or even want to be touched. But something changed. Somewhere down the line, something scewed. Maybe it were those damned men. Maybe it was the beatings he had taken for being disoedient. The humiliation he'd taken there, and at the hands of Dorjan more than once. Something had just... changed, and now he found himself caring for someone who more than likely couldn't feel.

Yet, there he was, doing it so often it were like clockwork. Caringly trying to calm Ek'Nav, and keeping him in pristine shape, in the ways Shite could. Clipping his wings, and such. He fed him with his own flesh and blood, just so no one would be hurt. So many things that one could go on for hours, and Shite never even seemed to think about that. It was just... life.

After a long moment, he looked to Hayden, still walking with Ek'Nav.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: -<--@ Wilted Rose @-->-

Hayden, Ek'Nav
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Date Posted: 16:15:05 06/26/06 Mon

The young male reached the door and opened it without a second thought, glancing over his shoulder to make sure that the pair behind him hadn't bolted or done anything else similarly stupid. He backed up, keeping the door open for them to enter.

Ek'Nav's wings shuffled a bit more at Shite's touch, though the feathers laid back down into place once they were finished moving. He glanced at Shite, yellowed eyes slipping back towards the ground before he moved towards the mansion's entrance after Hayden. He didn't have any words for Shite, even if the other wanted some form of comfort from him.

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Date Posted: 17:55:52 06/26/06 Mon

Shite never expected comfort from Ek'Nav. Hell, sometimes he expected the guy to tear him to pieces, but that was besides the point. He looked at Hayden, continuing to rub that spot on Ek'Nav's back as he walked with him, shrugging his shoulders a bit.

After a long moment, he sighed slightly in defeat, and looked at the ground, his eyes locking on his boots. Guess it was back to the standard uniform. Probably back to cleaning floors, away from Ek'Nav, too. It made him want to just run. But he didn't, nor would he.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: .. Midnight Predator ..

Dorjan, Hayden, Ek'Nav
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Date Posted: 19:02:11 06/26/06 Mon

Hayden followed Ek'Nav and Shite into the house. The demon moved towards the side of the door, knowing to wait for the appearance of his master to give him directions. Also knowing that, for some reason, Shite would stay with him. He allowed his eyes slip closed as he waited, enjoying the feeling of the other scratching his back for now while he had that luxury.

As Hayden closed the door to the mansion, Dorjan came around the corner. Ek'Nav didn't move his body, though his wings rustled slightly to ward off Shite's hand.

"I see you've finally returned." The vampire didn't say home, wasn't going to presume that one for this particular lot, nor extend that welcome to them.

Hayden bowed his head to his master, Ek'Nav's already in that position. Dorjan moved towards them further, stopping in front of Shite and Ek'Nav - ignoring Hayden in another one of his power drops. The human was pointedly no longer in the equation of the mansions' hierarchy.

"I trust you know the way still to your room, Ek'Nav. Go. Shite, come with me to the office for a talk." He emphasized the word 'talk', staring at Shite rather harshly.

Ek'Nav turned and left then and there, walking away from the other male as if he wasn't even there.

"Hayden - wait outside my study." And with that, Dorjan turned and left, ignoring any comments Shite had to throw his way. The human hung his head for a shade longer than he needed to - he knew what was going to happen - before following Dorjan obediently. He wouldn't ever run, not from Dorjan or any other master.

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Date Posted: 23:17:28 06/26/06 Mon

Shite hung his head, stretching his arm out a bit, and lighting another cigarette, having crushed the other one out in that calloused part of his hand, which he had put so many out in.

It was a long moment, seperated from the other's, when he spoke quietl, his head down. "Gonna yell at me now for leaving?"

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Date Posted: 04:36:49 06/27/06 Tue

.. By the time that Shite had arrived, Dorjan had already managed to pull files out. The wastebasket had a few tossed in there as well, oddly enough.

He raised an eyebrow towards Shite's remark, then shook his head. "Kyan has already explained that he kicked everyone out of the mansion, after killing one. I don't blame you for what someone else has done."

Dorjan picked up one of the files from his desk, still looking at Shite. "Actually, I was going to give you a bit of a present." ..

.. dubbed .. Lord Dorjan
.. gendered .. male
.. aged .. believes he’s 300, is a great deal older
.. born .. human, changed vampire
.. creator .. Cale

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Date Posted: 08:34:42 06/27/06 Tue

His jaw hung open a bit, staring at Dorjan like the man had just told him he was gonna make Shite the master of the Mansion. Shite couldn't believe this. A present, from this hardass? There's gotta be a catch, right?

After a lon moment of just staring at him, he finally stumbled over a word or two. "Wait... what? A present? ... What's the catch?"

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Date Posted: 09:32:13 06/27/06 Tue

(( No layout as I'm posting during my lunchbreak at work. And, by the way, Benny, do you happen to still contact Loo on occasion? or do you still have her AIM? ))

Dorjan chuckled at Shite's rather surprised expression, and the bit of tentativeness that crawled across his features chasing that. It was almost more entertaining to do this to the demon than anything else if he was going to continue to act like that.

He offered the file to Shite - a rather fat folder with ample information inside of it. "You have to use him. And if you don't, then I'll cull him. I also keep breeding rights for him, for later. Simple as that." Demotion for someone else, was what Dorjan was saying. He didn't want to destroy something that he could use later for breeding, but he didn't want to lose face in society for keeping it either.

It was a strategic ploy. By handing Hayden over to Shite, Dorjan kept full rights to him as Shite was his, but none of the negative aspect of keeping a too-old slave remained. Hayden could continue living - and no doubt be bred later down the line, or perhaps sooner rather then later. And Shite would have help with Ek'Nav and anything else he wanted.

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Date Posted: 11:57:44 06/27/06 Tue

He took the file slowly, and read it over, tilting his head just a bit. His thoughts welled up a bit, about this and that. Mostly what Hayden might think. He knew one thing, though. At least Hayden would be alive for a while.

He spoke finally. "So, either you're promoting me, or demoting him. Am I still 'Your's'?" Truth be told, he wasn't exactly Dorjan's. He actually belonged to the Hooded men. Though, for all intensive purposes he was Dorjan's. It was just one of those technicalities in life that didn't even really matter. It wasn't like Shite was about to second guess the man. He knew he could turn Ek'Nav against him, and he hated that thought.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: .. Midnight ..

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Date Posted: 15:24:12 06/27/06 Tue

.. The vampire stared at Shite blankly a moment, then chuckled in a tense sort of good-nature - tense for what it could mean for Shite. "You're being too wistful if you think that file's yours. You're mine, and you'll stay that way until you're sold to someone else." He waved his hand, dismissively, pointedly not answering the second part of his question. There were some things that the slave hierarchy could determine for itself.

"Take him with you when you go back to Ek'Nav. There's a new set of clothes for the three of you waiting in the room, and ample supplies." ..

.. dubbed .. Lord Dorjan
.. gendered .. male
.. aged .. believes he’s 300, is a great deal older
.. born .. human, changed vampire at age 21
.. creator .. Cale

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Date Posted: 15:32:46 06/27/06 Tue

"I don't suppose you could let Ek'Nav wear what he normally wears, could ya? I mean... he kinda got real used to that wardrobe when we left. I mean... you don't have to let him if you don't want to... I just think it'll keep him in better spirits." As if Ek'Nav really had spirits, or emotions, really. Though, of course, in some odd way he did. Trust, at the very least.

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Date Posted: 15:42:13 06/27/06 Tue

.. Dorjan's mood obviously soured by the rather pointless and bottomless request, he glared at Shite. "Don't make me repeat myself, or take back my offer. I can just as easily hand him over to Kuro." His fangs flashed a bit as he spoke, a natural reflex to his own anger.

"You'll like the clothing for yourself - they're to your style." And he gave the high impression that he was regretting that little bit of extra effort. ..

.. dubbed .. Lord Dorjan
.. gendered .. male
.. aged .. believes he’s 300, is a great deal older
.. born .. human, changed vampire at age 21
.. creator .. Cale

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