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Subject: .. If You Insist ..

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Date Posted: 09:38:25 06/27/06 Tue
In reply to: Kuro Maata 's message, "bloody tear stained, I guess..." on 20:45:29 06/26/06 Mon

(( *snicker* Sounds like you're setting up very nicely for your tiger shifter. XP And no layout because I'm at work during lunch ))

The vampire eyed her as she wound around his legs in a manner so much like a housecat. Gordon was indeed surpreme at breaking things, and Dorjan was more than willing to let his friend do the work if he was the one making the profit on this end of the deal.

He reached down to scratch at her ears in a mildly affectionate nature, though he didn't move to be seated. He wasn't one to take kindly to orders, or even strong suggestions.

"I've been thinking about that, actually. Koen would better match size for you, but Kyan would have a much higher ability of keeping the charming markings that you both share." He thought for a moment, then sighed. "What I need is more stock, plain and simple. Hayden needs to be bred as well, and as entertaining as hybrids are they don't sell for much and can't be used for much beyond pets and feed." He was obviously now mulling out loud, mind having wandered off as well.

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