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Subject: to market, to market..

Shale & Kazan
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Date Posted: 13:45:26 12/08/06 Fri

if you are to busy just say so and I shall not bring them back

beaten and broken, crania bowed, stray strands of ebon falling into his empty emerald gaze, Kazan kneels- back to his mistress in silence. hands cuffed tightly in silver behind his back, pulled up motionless to attach to the thick collar of leather that adorned his throat. a shiver of pain running the length of his spine as he is forced to remain still in correct posture before the door awaiting the answer to his mistress's knock. the circle seeming to have completed itself against his will returning back to the beginning and Dorjans front steps. though the youth of before hand had been pride and arrogant, holding a spark for life that did not seem to be present in the downcast glance of the defeated male now.

the family sword that had graced his back even in wolven form stripped from him upon capture, held just out of his reach that he might remember his place. now clothed in the shiny skin tight black leather that was so humiliating to his pride, suggesting things he wished others not to want of him and training that brought a blush even to his lightly tanned features. hatred deep down though he dared not allow it to surface in his thoughts, the mistress knowing all and swift to punish people held dear for his disrespect. her hold tight upon him though without his family there was no hold right? wrong... his family would be forever in danger he knowing this as it would delight his mistress to no end should Dorjan ask for favors.. an extreme sadist that enjoyed the pain of others like nothing else. even now the lash marks stood out upon his flesh new and old fading together in a blurr of blues, reds and greens.

body bruised and battered, burned and branded by the cruel mistress that held him captive with the threat of doing the same to his family. the shades of blue and black easily seen though with quick study one knew there was nothing permanent other then the branding a crossed his shoulders burned into his flesh, scars that would never fade. the silver also burning at the raw skin of his wrists and ankles a display of the power held over him as they were not locked in place at the moment, this amusing Cyne to no end.

The toe of her high heel tapping lightly as she glances down upon her captive. fingers lowering to slide through his hair enjoying the flinch it caused as she tightens her grip slightly pulling his head back a bit to expose his throat. free hand falling, fingers tracing along the thobing vien that resided there no struggle given in reply. a smirk upon her lips even as she shooves his head back into the bow roughly, chuckle gracing the air. he sure to please Dorjan.. a punching bag if nothing else... after all he had run away.. the punishment and more surely well deserved.


settled hooded upon his mistresses shoulder for a transgression long forgotten. Shale listens to the movements about him. his fathers bloody scent tickling nostrils mingling with the ever present perfume gracing Cyne. talons careful of his mistress's unblemished flesh Shale balances, knowing it would be an even worse punishment should he nick her skin. his attention divided but mostly upon his movement, gently swaying with her own. sounds within the mansion before them faint upon his hearing though he could hear at least three beings within. his exploration interrupted just as he was figuring things out. the mistress shifting to torment his father bring his concentration back to thier little group. feathers ruffling indigantly though he manages to swollow the hiss he so wished to utter. only his training keeping him up right and gentle as he settles back ingored by Cyne for another blessed moment of peace. the chuckle sent shivers through his bodice as he sat in silence attempting to be invisable. the tapping of her toe unsettling to his balance though he easily adjusted, hooded head turning back to the door. his thoughts slowly sliding back to the beings within. wondering now if he was to accompany his father and if the new master would be as cruel and demanding as the one he now served. a careful shield surrounding his thoughts though should she be interested there was nothing to keep her from knowing. this he was used and oh so very careful with, the mistress swift to provid punishment with the utmost glee.

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[> Subject: .. Marketday Predator ..

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Date Posted: 16:40:44 12/08/06 Fri

((Oh dear no! It's great to have you back! If I slack off, or whatever, just poke me over AIM or email. ^.^ ))

.. The master vampire had just finished straightening his collar when he felt the trio approach. It set a frown upon his features, dampening the lighter mood he had just had. Despite a little neglect on his part, Kyan and Koen were returned to him and Shite was bowed into a nice niche of training the newest fledgling of the mansion - Hayden. But this interruption could prove to be just as annoying as Gordon's previous 'gift' of the female shifter spy. Mentally checking himself again, the male turned on his heel sharply and left his bedroom to head towards the door. It wouldn't be proper of him to greet another vampire with one of his slaves.

Before he had reached the entranceway, the door had opened for Cyne and her two slaves. Dorjan met them a few moments later, poise and dress impeccable as ever, though there was no doubt at first glance that he wasn't the same man from before. No, Dorjan had shoved his little downgrading episode from earlier under the rug, and had returned with a vengeance that was written into Kyan and Koen's hides. The sight of Kazan bound and bowed was an amusing thing for the vampire, and the strong scent of blood piqued his interest immediately despite the coloring that stained his face from his very recent feed. Black gaze slid over the presence of the avian on the other vampire's shoulder briefly before resting on her entirely.

"It seems the stars beckon more than just the night this eve. To what do I owe this uncalled for visit?" His voice came out like Egyptian silk, which luckily buried the faint traces of poison from his fouling mood. ..

((Ignore his crappy mood. He's happy to see them, really. Xp )))

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[> [> Subject: marketday victim?

Kazan & Shale
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Date Posted: 12:20:10 12/09/06 Sat

sorry Kind of rushed. and dumb

fingers tangling gently for the moment in Kazans hair Cyne finds pleasure in his slight flinches. a purr soft within her throat as the door opened before the master of the manson. the slightest waver of amusement in her tone at the well hidden venom in his lyrics. manners having always been one of Dorjan's many marvalous traits.. pleasantries that Cyne never seemed to care for.

*The night brings many wonderful things.. nice to see you back in your rightful place, my dear. *

allowing the slightest drawl towards the end though she picks her train of thought back up swiftly.

* I have something that once belonged to you I figured that it was time to give it back. as for the falcon.. I am sure we could find a fair price. the boy is a shifter of many shapes, trained in fighting and pleasure, much better then his father. *

Her grip tightening upon Kazans hair bring to his breath the slightest gasp. forcing his head back and to the side slightly showing off the smooth but bloody flesh of his throat. a smurk sliding slowly to full lips.

* he has become quite the pussy cat..*

no struggle seeming to be given by the once rebellous creature. His eyes closed and frame still beneath his cruel masters gaze. not even fighting as she places a blood smeared finger upon his lips. the fight gone, head bowing once more when allowed to do so. only the flickering of anguish in his downcast pools evident to one that might look.
attention turning back to Dorjan quite pleased with her self Cyne as she awaited his responce. the falcon upon her shoulder silent through it all. his feathers rustling and head shifting slightly with his mistresses movements . pain within his hooded glance though there was nothing that he could do.

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[> [> [> Subject: .. Double the Fun ..

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Date Posted: 13:15:19 12/09/06 Sat

((Not a problem at all. We all have our off moments. xp ))

.. If he hadn't been in front of the other vampire, he would have groaned, or sighed, or something. He found it utterly tiresome to not use verbal phrases when one was physically present. It was a practice that it seemed had worn out with the older generation of vampires. Or, at least, with the disappearance of most of the older generation. Cale, he knew, would just never leave him alone or be quiet.

He did let his mood touch to his face the smallest bit at her slight drawl and pet name for him. He was certainly no familiar face or another toy of hers to be called dear, and he suggested as much by the slight tightness around his eyebrows and the corner of his mouth. Dorjan really wasn't in the position to play 'safely' tonight, or to entertain someone he didn't want to be dealing with at all. Those smallest bits of annoyance, however, drifted back towards curiosity as she chased down her own statement. A sale, hmmm? That was business talk he was always willing to manage.

"Certainly you'd prefer to deal somewhere other than the hallway. One of the parlours, perhaps, or my study?" He stepped to the side lightly, inviting her with his body language to enter if she so wished. He knew that with her 'present' would no doubt come with strings attached and a price for her work. But Dorjan was not one to lack money or strings of his own to pull. As long as he could identify what her terms would be, then things would go over fine.

Her treatment of his ex-slave was intriguing. It seemed almost that she was making less of a statement to Kazan and more of one to him. Well, if she wanted to play that sort of game he could as well. He pointedly ignored the exposed throat with poised grace. He had just fed himself, so although it certainly attracted his senses it didn't stir him to gorge himself. It wasn't but so much of a lure when he wasn't hungry. ..

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[> Subject: double the trouble

Kazan & shale
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Date Posted: 19:16:38 12/11/06 Mon

if you want to move into the study thats fine

nodding slightly at the invitation Cyne turns her attention for the briefest moment to Kazan. " come slave" words emphasizes with a toe to his back side, before her focus shifted once more to Dorjon. now ignoring Kazan she went around him as he struggled to his feet with the softest " yes mistress".

* The study will be fine.. *

letting the tension in Dorjan's features go without comment as she spoke, unconcerned with how he felt. cloak sweeping the floor lightly behind her as she turns to wait on him to lead the way. Kazan trailing behind in silence to stand just within the door by the wall, eyes averted. settling into one of the chairs Cyne turns to the matter at hand. quietly dehooding the falon and motioning him on to the arm of her chair.

pupples shrinking to pin heads, Shale strains in the light to adjust, it having been a long time since he had see anything. curved bill gaping slightly as he shakes himself before settling into his surroundings. glancing quickly in his fathers direction before turning his focus to the Lord of the manor. keen glare taking it all silently in rebellously. no need for a raptor to be respectful right?

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[> [> Subject: And to the study we go. xp

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Date Posted: 17:11:00 12/12/06 Tue

((I posted in there for ya.))

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