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Subject: Dead End

Krev, Keir
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Date Posted: 10:02:26 12/10/06 Sun
In reply to: Dorjan 's message, ".. Got A Better End for Him .. ((*smacks Jan*))" on 13:32:12 12/09/06 Sat

((sorry....I got a little too into it and this is the result))

Krev was smart enough not to let Keir out of his sight. Ever. Then again, maybe he would now. Technically, since their previous Master had passed on, and the debt was actually to him, then Krev was freed of the debt. But, being so dedicated and loyal, the older shifter had looked after the youth. That doesn't account for Keir following him around everywhere, though. That was just a plain surprise. So, let's say that Keir was to escape Krev for a day. What would be the worst to happen? The vampire would beat the pulp out of him, possibly killing him. Well, it would probably be one of those Life Lessons that everyone was talking about. It'd do Keir some good to learn a little about culture and that stuff.

Krev stiffened when the vampire approached more closely. In his years at the mansion before, there had always been a bubble around the fighters. Obviously, there hadn't around the other slaves. But, Krev wasn't any other slave. As a fighter, some of the only contact that he'd had with his Master was the initial check of his body's condition and the updates that he needed every now and again to see if he was still in shape. This...this new touchy-feely thing was a little disorienting, but Krev didn't pull back. He didn't dare to do that. The cold hand on his shoulder was met with a small flinch, which Krev allowed himself since Dorjan was looking at Keir, but he would most likely still be able to tell.

Keir decided that the best course of action was as follows: a death glare, some quiet hissing, and another internal temper tantrum. To hide his clenched fists, the young boy clasped them behind his back, wringing them out so that they were numb by the time Keir became angry again for the vamp getting close to his Krev. What a possessive tyke.

The jaglion shifter at least had enough common sense not to struggle. His body relaxed and he released a breath from his tired lungs. The pounding in his ears only reminded him of something: vampires drank blood. Crap. In all of his years around the species, he'd never been tasted. Never had he been summoned to feed another being. He tried to stay relaxed, but the puncturing that the fangs would do, and the color of the blood that would seep out of him. Krev was too preoccupied by the color of his blood, something which he'd seen too many times on the white hot sand of the pits, in another's mouth to pay attention to the actual pain in his neck. A sigh escaped his mouth as the heat came in contact with the injury. It felt good to be taken care of again.

Keir, hearing his name, stepped forward carefully, fully aware that he could either 1) be getting punished, 2) getting hurt because he was annoying or 3) both. The blond sand cat shifter came to stand just next to his protector, hoping that just being there would save him.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: .. Mine ..

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Date Posted: 10:25:28 12/10/06 Sun

.. Dorjan's hand didn't move from Krev's shoulder, though the one that had been under his arm supporting him earlier dropped down to his side, forgotten. It was perhaps too much effort to keep the hand there, though he was able to keep his shoulders back and his feet under him. Ah, but that was always the way that Dorjan was. Those little pieces of security that he'd drop to pull them closer to him, mumbling forgiveness for things that they'd done rather than his own actions towards punishment. He was still the same Dorjan that Krev knew, perhaps just changed a little. One could hazard aged like fine wine, but that didn't suite any vampire really.

"Now, what kind of shifter are you, lad?" There was a small amount of his weight braced on Krev's shoulder, which was really only apparent if one was paying close attention. The voice that slipped from his lips was thick like molasses, yet it held the same sweetness to it like the candy would. In the same beat of addressing Keir, his gaze flicked to Krev to pose another question for him. "How capable are you of a fighter, Krev?" The named and the unnamed. Positioning already.

Even as he spoke it, one from the mansion would know that Dorjan's fighter ranks consisted of one and only one presently. There was nothing in the ring to practice against, except of course Dorjan's pet formed from a murdered soul and bound by his true name. Oh dear. There was something being planned here, no doubt. But Dorjan wasn't going to share that with them just yet.

"And, you said basic training? I think I might pass your training, or at least your shadowing, over to Hayden." He glanced back at Krev from speaking to Keir, smiling softly. "You remember Hayden, don't you, Krev? I suppose he was a little younger than you were at the time." But, to be honest, who didn't know Hayden who had lived in Dorjan's mansion? The master's unabashed pride and what had been worth the most. And yet, there was never a real public difference in treatment between Hayden and the others. Dorjan was intelligent in that sense of things. But wouldn't Hayden have been culled by now, too old to continue service? ..

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: share the bounty

Krev, Keir
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Date Posted: 10:56:38 12/10/06 Sun

Keir, blinked once, before allowing himself an internal sigh. He'd have to be more carefully of Dorjan later. "I'm a sand cat, sir," he said with some pride. Keir was back to being happy. He linked his hands behind his back and little more loosely now that there wasn't any apparent danger to him.

Krev, being the experienced servant that he was, thought back, "I haven't fought since my injury, sir. But, I can still train and do some weapons." To the Master's second questi - erm, demand, Krev simply nodded twice. Once to indicate that he understood the transaction going on and the second to say that he did indeed remember blond arrogant prick. So, he was still alive. My, how wrong Krev was.

Keir was going to protest this shadowy thingy that he heard because he meant it to mean that he would be away from Krev, but since Krev agreed, so did Keir. "Sir? Who's Hayden?" So young, so naive.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: .. No, Mine ..

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Date Posted: 11:11:10 12/10/06 Sun

.. The vampire nodded lightly to Keir's vocal response, though his voidless eyes shifted to look at Krev as the mental one arrived before moving back to Keir. "A sand cat?" the vampire thought a moment before nodding. "Ah, yes. That's an interesting achievement. Small creatures, decently rare." Was he complimenting or mocking the boy, or Krev, or Krev's dead master? Well, it was Dorjan. Who really knew except for the vampire himself?

To Keir's question about Hayden, the vampire chuckled and brandished what could be interpreted as a dangerous smile. "Hayden was one of my sex slaves, worth a few million." How easily he passed saying that off as nothing, like it was every day that one could get their hands on a piece of merchandise that was simply that well primed. Well, I suppose if one owned it you could, but that was beside the point. What was interesting in that statement was the past tense. "He's a split fledgling of Gordon von Gelder and myself now." Oh. Oh dear. There was the ton of bricks dropping. Split fledgling implied too many things as well. Did Dorjan perhaps trust this other vampire that much, owe him something, or was it a bond that caused the division? Then again, they might not even have heard of such a thing. In fact, knowing Dorjan, he probably had to invent it to coin his newest slave.

"The pits are open if you want to take a look at them. I'm sure you'll find them to the standard regulations. The weaponsroom will open for you, but there are certain things you won't be able to remove from there." His mental reply came almost simultaneously with his verbal one to Keir. There was also the note that Dorjan would walk him through things later on. There was still the issue of getting them beds and clothing and settled, of course. Hopefully. ..

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: 10%, Maybe?

Krev, Keir
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Date Posted: 11:21:05 12/10/06 Sun

((krev is just gonna stand there....))

Keir had no idea what to say to the first response. If he had been older, perhaps he would have taken it as an insult to his manhood. Maybe not. The mention of 'sex slave', 'a few million', and 'split fledgling' surprised and confused him. First, what was this sex thing, and how could someone be worth that much money for it? And second, what was a fledgling and who was this Gordon guy? Sometimes, vampires were just too confusing. "So...what will I be learning, sir?"

"I'll take a look at the pits and armory once everything is settled, my lord. I'll be sure to ask about any weapons I take out, first." Krev was relieved that he was back to his first home. Not to mention the fact that he'd gotten rid of Keir. Although, he wasn't all that sure about him shadowing Hayden. That was a little off for him, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. Master knew best.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: .. Never! ..

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Date Posted: 11:32:27 12/10/06 Sun

.. The confusion that flitted across the young shifter's face only made the smile on Dorjan's own remain. It was almost cute how easily lost he was, and brushing his mind turned up some fairly intriguing things. So, he wasn't even exposed to those things yet. That could almost be entertaining, or maybe more of a pain in his ass. He was at the age where he should know, and should have probably had some brief schooling in it. Ah, but he could speak with Krev at length later on this subject. He sent that notion to the older shifter vaguely before even attempting a response to Keir.

"Oh, I'm leaving things up to Hayden, really. But basics will be covered again, I'm sure." His response was almost too off-handed, though he did finally pull his hand out from under the edge of Krev's shirt to reach out and ruffle Keir's hair. Maybe the little one was going to be entertaining after all. Well, when Hayden was that age he certainly had been. Dorjan mentally sighed a moment. He shouldn't be projecting onto the young shifter. He'd already proven to be a pain.

"That sounds like a good idea." He shuttled that off to Krev before speaking to the pair of them. "Now, I'm sure that the shifters in quarters can answer any standard questions you have and show you to clothing, Krev. I'll meet with you this evening ((the vampiric evening, which would really be morning)) and we can discuss some details. If you remember where quarters are, Krev, I can meet the pair of you down there with Keir's clothing." Special treatment. Now he flipped who was where in the social order. He was a confusing man at times, but he knew the politics game all too well. ..

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Greedy Pig. You're Beginning to Remind Me of Gordon...

Krev, Keir
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Date Posted: 11:44:17 12/10/06 Sun

The young shifter flinched back away from the hand at first, expecting a blow. But, when he felt the cold flesh on his head, Keir blinked up at the man and decided that he was too confusing to judge right away. At the mention of basic traing being covered, the sand cat pouted. "But, I know my basics, sir. Can't I learn something more interesting?" He had no idea what Hayden would teach him. Probably didn't want to.

Krev shrugged off the notion of sex education and sighed. "I wasn't in charge of his eduction, sir. They taught him how to read and write, manners and etiquette, and some serving skills. It's not my place to introduce foreign concepts to his young mind." At the obvious dismissal, Krev bowed, a little frustrated at the politics of everything. He'd forgotten how political this Master was with everything. Taking Keir by the hand, the older shifter went to exit.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: .. Am Not. I'm Taking Him to Give Him Away ..

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Date Posted: 11:52:45 12/10/06 Sun

.. "We just have to make sure of these things. Sometimes the basics in one place aren't the same in others." The smile that had graced his features was still present, though the stockiness to it seemed to be fading a little. Dorjan needed to do more than just get Keir's clothing - he had to feed. Blood magic involved rerouting energies and, essentially, using up more than one had consumed. Although he was very practiced at remaining under control in situations, he didn't exactly like them. Which was most definitely the main reason he was shooing the pair off so quickly. That, and he had to get Keir's clothes. But that, maybe, was just a front.

"I'm sure that you and I can talk in length later, Krev. There are a lot of things to cover between us, yet that can wait until this evening. Perhaps we will have dinner together." Oh, now that was a treat that wasn't common at all for Dorjan. Dining was something done alone, in private. And usually not at all considering that his primary diet wasn't solid food. But, that could just be a lure to get Krev to go along with it all of course. All of this thinking is starting to make my head hurt, one way or the other.

Regardless of what was really going on, Dorjan turned on his heel and headed down the hallway in a different direction than they needed to go to reach the slave quarters. Man on a mission. Or, rather, he was hungry. ..

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