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Subject: Aimi's First Post! | |
Author: Aimi | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: 19:46:17 02/11/07 Sun In reply to: Bu-chan, Ira & Ria, Yasmin, Flyta and Lizzy 's message, "((the new group! for Dorjan, Aimi and Jazzi's impossibly large group...))" on 12:51:57 02/09/07 Fri The beautiful, but shy Aimi stood in the entrance with the others. Her thin body was shaking from nerves, and in hopes of calming hereself down, she sucked slightly on a small portion of hair. Much like everyone else, Aimi wasn't sure what to expect of her new Master, or her new home. However, she was only at Serena's for a few days, which wasn't long enough for her to be ranked, let alone be trained. So unlike the others, Aimi didn't feel like she was leaving a lot behind by coming here. She was more worried about being split up from Yasmin, the one and only person she had gotten to know slightly, since becoming a slave. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
[> [> Subject: x.x Sweet Savior x.x | |
Author: Nyxia [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 18:15:46 02/12/07 Mon Almost as soon as the group had approached the mansion, Dorjan had set his scheme into motion. He had arranged beforehand for things to be taken care of in an orderly fashion, and had opted to, instead of addressing them directly himself, sending out three others to separate and give basic instructions to the group. Hence why Nyxia was in the entrance hall. She had come strolling up from the slave's quarters, white shin-length dress waving back and forth as she walked. Her blouse was still similar to a school girl's outfit, with a blue layer underneath and a white sweater overtop. At least it was different than what she had first arrived in. She had waist-length white hair, which seemed to move with a breeze that stirred nothing else. The most remarkable thing about Nyxia, for one who had a keener sense, was simply that she had no scent. Or rather, that she smelled more like the air or wind in general than a certain this or that. She stopped as she neared the group, confident in her actions. She wasn't a slave here, but rather a guest. "Lizzy, Flyta, come with me." She'd memorized the two names, though she knew nothing of which was which. Instead of walking off, Nyxia waited to see who exactly it was that stepped forward to follow after her. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> Subject: who me? who, her? | |
Author: Lizzy and Flyta [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 10:40:41 02/13/07 Tue Flyta's attention snapped along with her neck towards the one calling her name. She immediately bobbed up and down where she was floating, and the zipped forward. Her wings picked up a more rabid beat, for now she was excited and curious. She wasn't, however, distracted enough to cast Yasmin a look that was met - the two friends were being split up afterall. Lizzy turned up her nose at the thought of being in the same sentence with Flyta, but took a casual step forward. Of course the two winged ones would be called together. It was rather logical. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> Subject: } Angel in Hiding { | |
Author: Kyan [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 14:35:30 02/13/07 Tue Having just showered, Kyan had felt bubbly up until the point when his Master had called for him. His stomach had dropped, and his mind raced with possibilities for what he thought was the Master's anger, not to mention various torture methods that could have been put to use. (The Master never liked using the same one twice.) Having hastily dried his short-cropped blond hair, the snow leopard shifter received his instructions and immediately went to the main lobby to greet and take command of his new charges. The uniform khaki pants and t-shirt weren't brand new, but looked like they had seen some wear. But, the clothes still marked him as a slave. His body seeming to finally having stopped adjusting itself and settling on one form, Ky was bigger around the chest area than he had been in previous years and had grown his final inch just a few months past. His gold-green eyes weren't jaded so much as weary and cautious. Standing up to his full six feet two inches of height, Ky surveyed the little group, which had just been raided upon by Nyxia. Although not as close to the strange woman as Koen was, he gave her a smile. The shifter made a game out of trying to guess which two new slaves were to be under him for the next few weeks. Clearly not the pair tied together; he wasn't a fighter, and there was no way that the Master would trust him with those two. So, that left the two Asian girls, one of whom was furry and the other who seemed to have jumped out of some comic book with her tail and ears, and the other girl with the stripes down her arms. The first two seemed, most definitely to be shifters (at least, in some way), but the third, darker girl caught his attention. What was she, really? "Yasmin, Aimi. This way." [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Oooh! Ooh! Pick Me! And Her! ~ Yayyyyyyy | |
Author: Yasmin [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 14:44:06 02/14/07 Wed Yasmin was a little weary of the new white-haired slave. She was also slightly disappointed. Serena wouldn't have met new slaves in person, either, but somehow her curiosity of her new Master was stronger than any bit of reason or logic. Yasmin's stomach was reacting where Yasmin's heart had been trained not to as she watched Flyta step forward without her. Yasmin wondered if they were in the sort of place she would never see her friend again. So many unanswered questions ... so many others never thought of. She didn't have time to think, because there before her was another slave. A male, average compared to the ones in Serena's mansion, but pleasant enough. He made it quite clear it was not her turn to step forward, and much to Yasmin's glee, Aimi as well. Yasmin wasn't about to let go of Aimi's arm, anyways. And she stepped up to the call, practically dragging Aimi with her. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: x.x Savior x.x | |
Author: Nyxia [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 12:18:04 02/19/07 Mon Having now had the opportunity to pick out which of the group were assigned to her care, and not really interested in sticking around as the others began to show up to cart off the different sections, Nyxia turned on her heel and headed out of the main hall - fully expecting that the two would follow her orders and be right behind her. If they got lost this early on, well, then there just wasn't any hope for them as far as she was concerned. Heading down the hallway, she turned two corners before pausing outside a cherry oak doorway to make sure that they were actually behind her. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |