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Subject: Black Cat. errr I meant wolf

Jerome Nightshade
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Date Posted: 23:34:27 05/09/07 Wed

The blonde male stopped just outside to door of the mansion,the sound his heartbeat nearly non existent as he kept it to a simple even beat. An amazing accomplishment as he knew that the "person" who owned this mansion was not human at all. Of course he really didn't have any room to talk since he was a wolf shifter. 'At least I have a pulse and am not some leech!'He snarled at his own mind, ignoring the tiny part that pointed out that his canines looked like vampire fangs, and that his mum had had loved having vampires about the house for some really odd reason. Jerome sighed and ran a hand through spiky locks, his glowing blue eyes narrowed with concentration looking at the various entrances to the mansion. "Ya don even hafta sneak in a window or nothin, ya can jest walk right up ta da doors an' go right in," the memory of words his current employer had spoken rang throughout his head and he shook it irritably. He was a black cat, a roofworker and housebreaker that had never been caught, he had no actual plans to start getting caught now...especially not by some no good asshole of a vampire. Still it was easiest to get in that way and according to Bronwen the hard part was going to be getting back out. Carefully he continued to the door and pulled out a lockpick that looked like it would work...if said door was already open then all the better for him. Giving a silent sigh he placed his hand on the knob and started to turn it slightly, maybe he'd get lucky.

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[> Subject: Big Kitties Are Just Kitties Afterall

Kuro, Roxle
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Date Posted: 11:12:48 06/03/07 Sun

((So, I don't know how much of this will go over your head, but please bear with me. It's all connected))

Roxle had been given the afternoon off by Rashne after the middle brother was scared he was going to rip someone's head off; losing Lucielle to a breeding program in France, of all things. So, the jaguar (Roxle) had made his way to the only comfort he could: his older sister, Kuro. After much searching and whining, the male had finally found her and dragged her to the main lobby, where the couch that faced the door was always so inviting. As the older sister, Kuro was obligated to let Roxle cry and pout about his punishment for as long as he wanted, but the younger brother wasn't like his older twin, Mayne, at all.

Lying with his head on Kuro's belly, Roxle was on his fourth hour of whining and it was starting to get to the female jaguar shifter. Her tail began to twitch, showing just how impatient she was. "Roxle, it's fine. Serve out your time with Rashne and then you're slate is clean," the elder Maata advised the younger. She groomed his face, cleaning the dirt and grim from his sad face expertly; afterall, Kuro needed the practice with a baby on the way. Both siblings stopped as the doorknob turned. Roxle immediately sat up, facing the door, ready for any visiting Master or guest to walk in, while Kuro did so sluggishly. They'd probably be surprised to see something else.

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[> [> Subject: Wolfs do not like Kitties

Jerome Nightshade
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Date Posted: 01:25:21 06/05/07 Tue

'Yes it actually opened!' This was Jerome's first response to not having to mess with the lock. Though the thought that perhaps this was not a good thing did run through his head only a milisecond later. Gathering up his remaining courage he stepped through the door and into the hall.

Any happiness he might have had at getting in so easily was erased almost at once as he stared at the jaguars in dismay. He wasn't really too surprised that Dorjan kept something like jaguar shifters, he'd actually been expecting it...just not so soon. 'Why the Hell does this always happen to me?! Why I say why?!' the wolf shifter demanded of some unseen force. A growl found it's way out of the depths of his throat and through clenched teeth. Had he been in his wolf form his ears would have been laid back as well...he hated cats!

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[> [> [> Subject: Kitties Are Not Happy

Kuro, Roxle
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Date Posted: 22:58:44 06/08/07 Fri

Kuro looked surprised, if a jaguar can do so, while Roxle nearly cried from relief in not having to deal with move vampires. He ignored the growl, not one to fight, and she responded in the maternal way that mothers do. Kuro flashed pearly white ivories against her black lips, matching the other male's reaction one for one. Already, her maternal instincts were devloping and telling her that this canine thing, whatever its intent, was not here to do any good. Being the weaker younger brother, Roxle touched a nose to his sister's side and lightly leapt off the couch, baring his own toothy grin in the other male's direction before exiting down the hallway.

If the intruding male had followed Roxle's movements, then Kuro brought his attention back to herself, standing defensively over the couch, almost as if she were staking her territory. "What is your business here, dog?"

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Wolf Is Less Happy Than Kitties

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Date Posted: 23:40:24 06/10/07 Sun

((sorry it took me a bit to respond))

Glowing blue eyes watched both cats, although the female was the one he paid the most cautionary attention to, he could practically feel the mothering nature that came off of that one and quite frankly it made him both nervous and ill. In reply to her growl his own grew in volume as he considered shedding his weaker prey-like form for the stronger one of the natural hunter.

Once the male left there was no need to pay him any more attention and Jerome was now free to direct most of it to the female, though he kept some of it focused on his surroundings so he wouldn't be caught off guard. At the cat's demand his figurative hackles rose and more teeth were displayed in a snarl. "I hardly see whatever business I have here is any of yours, you overgrown house kitten," his reply was snapped quickly, and he did not care weither or not the female took any offence. What was the worse she could do?

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Kitties Have Modd Swings. Be Warned.

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Date Posted: 11:19:37 06/11/07 Mon

((no worries.))

"Clearly, your doings here are my business, if your delighted reaction to not having to work to open the door is any sign. My Master does not take well to intruding guests who aren't polite enough to greet him properly." Kuro smiled maliciously, mood suddenly turning from foul to confident. "My brother, Roxle, went to go bring him the news of your arrival. I can do that much, at least."

The jaguar's retractable claws extended and dug into the soft material of the couch, the female using it as a sort of scratching post. She knew that Master Dorjan would be on his way, sooner or later, but she wasn't about to waste an opportunity to play with this male. She leapt neatly, if with a bit of caution, off the couch and sat in front of it, watching the intruder with interest. "But, if your bite is as bad as your bark, then I doubt the Master has anything to worry about; even I don't have anything to worry about."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Wolf Is Both Warned And Annoyed

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Date Posted: 13:12:21 06/15/07 Fri

((my computer is being evil.))

Jerome snorted at the female and his eyes flashed in annoyance. "I have no business with your leech of a master. Why would I bother greeting him?" the reply was completely causticand it showed just what he thought of vampires. Though he didn't hate all of them,he just hated most of them. Also there was just something about what he'd heard about this particular one that pissed him off to no end, and

In response to the movement on the jaguar's part Jerome crouched down and balanced on the balls of his feet, pulling a beautifully made curved blade as long as his forearm and a nasty smirk made a permanent home on his lips. "I think my bite might be something that you should worry about, little cat," he didn't bother changing forms, he could deal with a pampered house cat in this one, besides he wasn't really willing to play her games.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Kitty Turns Vicious

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Date Posted: 20:31:56 06/26/07 Tue

((ah, apologies. I completely forgot that this place existed for a few days. I'm back now, but I shall be away for a week or so starting on the 28th, so if you get a post in by then, I'll be sure to give you something before I head off))

Kuro's reaction was almost completely involuntary, on her part; dilation of the pupils, raising of the hackles, baring sharp teeth, a low snarl, and bracing of the body were just some of the things that happened instinctively. The one thing that she did control was the sudden urge to chase away this male, away from the house, from her, and, most importantly, her unborn child. Rising to stand, a bit more cautiously now that the blade was in plain sight, Kuro silenced the low growl to speak. "I very much hope that you're willing to kill me with that because I'm positive that you'll have two furious vampires on your trail if you so much as touch me with that thing. If you kill me, then I bet they'll be just angry enough to slaughter you quickly."

Unknown to the jaguar shifter, hormones throughout her body flooded quickly from her brain to her bloodstream, sending various messages, the most widely comprehended one being adrenaline. With her pulse now in her throat and a mind on the brink, Kuro turned from a complacent, if slightly annoyed cat, to a solid mass of motherly muscle.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Sadistic Wolf

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Date Posted: 17:28:42 06/27/07 Wed

((Not sure if you'll get this before you leave...hope you have nice time though))

The smirk widened at the jaguar's reaction and blue eyes flashed their amusement. It was so easy to get a reaction from a female, particularly if they were a mother or mother to be. Such reactions amused him greatly, instead of warning him to back off as it would have any normal person. "I'm more than willing to kill you with this; however, I think it'd be more fun to simply slice you up instead," the tone was as close to a purr as possible for a canine shifter, and one could almost see a tail wagging softly behind him though his happiness did not stem from any natural instinct.

"Two leeches hey? Hmmm they'd probably be rather annoyed if I hurt you...too terribly. After all I'm sure it's hard to find a captive bitch that is so eager to breed," the words and tone were designed to show nothing but contempt for the creature in front of him. Though in reality he most likely would not actually harm the cat, knock her out yes, harm no. It was a theif's way to be as cautious as possible and one who'd had the trainers he had was always careful not to add asualt to their crimes. Didn't mean he wouldn't fight the jaguar he just wouldn't kill her. Besides it was fun to see people agrivated.

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[> Subject: Sadists Are Rather Interesting, But Masochists Are More Fun

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Date Posted: 14:37:02 07/15/07 Sun

((EEEK!!! I'm so sorry! I completely forgot that I had a post in here until this morning when I saw a program on killer crocodiles. don't ask me why it reminded me of this, but it did. XD ))

Kuro smiled blankly, mind lost in the rush of hormones. She vaguely knew that the last biting remark was meant to anger her, possibly making her too hasty. She also knew that she didn't particularly care for insults. The very tip of her tail lashed this way and that, a sure sign that she could wait this out; it was, after all, just another hunt, waiting for the prey to make some fatal move to let her strike. Kuro's most important attack was silence: she didn't respond to the other's words, except with various amused smirks that didn't quite reach her soul.

The female stood, extending her front legs out and opening her jaws wide in a yawn. Her claws lengthened and the jaguar stretched, either signaling that she could make this a fight, too, or that she was just lazy and fatigued. Either way, Kuro sat back up and had that same meaningless smile on her face.

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[> [> Subject: And Sadomasochists Have The Most Fun of All

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Date Posted: 01:05:04 07/17/07 Tue

((No worries. I kind of forgot this was here as well, I was watching Red Dragon when I remembered. ^_^))
The male was only a bit disappointed that the female did not respond to the taunt, or at least not physically, but he could sense that it upset her. That was good enough for him at the moment.

The smirk remained fixed on his features and he settled his weight back a bit. He could play a waiting game as well as any cat could, probably because his first mentor was a snow leapord shifter, and he was not going to be the one to make a hasty move just because the female decided to try and use silence to goad him into making a mistake. He was not that foolish. "You know, I just realize that we haven't even been properly introduced, and that's important if we're going to rip each other into shreds. Name's Jerome," the male allowed his lyrics to sound as though he truely regretted not offering introductions sooner, although he really didn't care. He also didn't care whether or not the female offered her name in return. It was simply another game to him.

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[> [> [> Subject: Interesting That There's a Sadmasochistic Polar Bear Shifter Around Here, Isn't It? No Joke.

Kuro Maata
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Date Posted: 21:37:34 07/17/07 Tue

((heh heh. I love Anthony Hopkins! Regardless, I'm once again going to be away for the next four days. (seriously, I counted this time). so, please please please forgive me.))

Kuro blinked, cocking her head to listen, almost like she was interested. "Kuro Maata," she said plainly. If it was odd for a slave to have two names, it was even weirder that they state it as an introduction. Maybe she was waiting for Dorjan to show up, maybe she was just bored and wanted to see how long before her new toy got bored. A few seconds passed before she sighed and shook her head. "Too bad I can't shift. Stupid thing in my stomach is keeping me like this for another two weeks." Kuro's mood, much because of the growing parasite in her belly, had the habit of changing as frequently as the direction of the wind. "Or else I'd hook up with you. You're blond. I like blonds." If anyone who truly knew the jaguar shifter was around to comment, they'd probably raise an eyebrow at her comment and shake their head; it wasn't like her to try and seduce a thief who had just broken into the mansion. They would probably place the blame on the hormones again.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: A sadomasichistic Polar Bear shifter??!! Yelp

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Date Posted: 13:42:28 08/02/07 Thu

((OMG. I am so sorry it taken me so long to get to replying...My life is just really hectic at the moment))

Jerome blinked rather taken aback that he'd actually been answered...not to mention kind of sort of flirted with. It was something that had never happened to the young thief before--at least when he was out on a job-- and he was unsure how exactly to respond. "Really that is a gorgeous name...And it is a shame about the babe, I'd love to know what you look like as a human," despite his inner turmoil the words managed to come as smoothly as ever and gave no hint that he was startled. It had been awhile since he'd complimented or flirted with anyone, on purpose, so he was a bit rusty at it. Giving a soft smile that could almost be taken for genuine if not for the laughter that danced in his eyes the blonde shifted slightly so that he was in a more comfortable postion, but still alert. If Kuro was not going to attack he saw no reason for him to do so first...besides it had been awhile since he'd met someone who'd managed to catch him off guard. There was no reason to rush things.

((Not sure how i liked that one))

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Yeah, He's Interesting Until He Starts Chomping Chunks Out of His Skin

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Date Posted: 09:15:53 08/06/07 Mon

Kuro seemingly ignored all of it to rub an itchy shoulder against the couch at her back. Purring softly when she was satisfied with it, the jaguar blinked lazily and cocked her head to consider her next question. "You're obviously here to take something or else you wouldn't have been so pleased about the door or so guarded about my brother and I idly sitting about chatting. Now, I wonder just what you're looking for from the multitude of interesting items that Master Dorjan has around the house... " It was more of a wondering thought said aloud than anything else because she didn't really care what Jerome was looking for, but her cat's curiosity had gotten the better of her. Or perhaps she was protecting her Master's possessions? Who knew with the varying moods of the jaguar shifter.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Literally or Figuratively?

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Date Posted: 14:15:52 08/13/07 Mon

((Meh, sorry about the delay, school started last monday so i've been a bit bogged down. hopefully i'll be able to reply sooner in the future))
Jerome blinked a bit startled before letting out a small laugh. It seemed that this particular encounter was destined to keep him unbalanced with the various mood swings. "There are other reasons why I could be happy that the door opened, also I think anyone would be a bit surprised to see two jaguars lounging about as though they were house cats. That does not mean I am here to steal anything from your master, just that I was not prepared as I should have been," his reply was smooth and well thought out, although both Kuro and himself knew what he was here for he was enjoying the verbal sparring a bit too much. Well he'd always preferred using words to violence anyway, but he'd have to get past the cat eventually...he was just putting it off until absolutely necessary.

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[> Subject: OOC

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Date Posted: 22:24:10 07/23/07 Mon

((sorry bout lack of reply...comp's in shop. Borrowing my mum's to post this...should be bacck in two days...sorry))

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[> [> Subject: OOC

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Date Posted: 18:06:33 07/25/07 Wed

((no worries. take your time. as you can see, I'm also a bit on the slow side, but as long as I know you're alive, I'll check every other day or so...if you feel compelled to think that I'm ignoring you (which I wouldn't do), then give me a poke either through email or AIM. valaina@gmail.com or antipyrophobiac))

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