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Subject: dancing to music that isn't there isn't easy

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Date Posted: 10:31:03 02/23/07 Fri
In reply to: Bu-chan, Ira & Ria, Yasmin, Flyta and Lizzy 's message, "((the new group! for Dorjan, Aimi and Jazzi's impossibly large group...))" on 12:51:57 02/09/07 Fri

Yasmin was trying to stay alert, but boredom was quickly setting in. No one from her fore more House would have been nearly so inefficient. She didn't even know this shifter's name, and it wasn't exactly impressive. Her eyes narrowed into slits, which was to her advantage because it made her various eye rolls less noticeable.

The one supposedly in charge of them was a spazz. And a stupid one at that. Yasmin highly doubted he'd have answers to 75% of her questions, let alone deal correctly with Aimi's lack of them. Yasmin mentally sighed and finitely decided that she'd just keep Aimi under her wing for as long as possible. There didn't seem a lot else to do.

That somehow manifested itself in a subconscious straightening of the ribbons on Aimi's dress as they walked. And a mental planning of Aimi's next outfit. Assuming Yasmin was to get to keep her sewing machine and cloth warehouse that she brought with her. The luggage had been nonchalantly left in the foyer.

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[> Subject: ...So this pizza guy just smashed into our garage....

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Date Posted: 17:32:35 03/07/07 Wed

Aimi had begun to stare at her surroundings, paying less attention to what was going on. Though, with Yasmin still by her side, she was confident she wouldn't get lost.

All she could really focus on was how different things were. Just comparing her beginning at Serena's, to her beginning here...she could already tell that she shouldn't epxect things to happen as smoothly or even remotely the same as it was at Serena's. The best example of the change, was the fact that Yasmin was very much in charge and dominant when she first met her, but this guy who was supposed to do basically the same thing, was very quiet and seemed to be in his own world.

As Aimi thought deeper on the subject, she was suddenly brought back into reality when she felt Yasmin tugging slightly on the ribbons on her dress.

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[> [> Subject: Angel In Hiding Goes To Hide

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Date Posted: 18:11:13 03/09/07 Fri

But, in fact, this mansion was still in its reconstruction phase after the Master had been away. Ky remembered the times before it had died down, when someone else had been left in charge and it hadn't suited him at all; the punishments were lax, the chores few and hardly difficult, and the household had fallen to ruin. But, when the Master had returned, the place had popped right back up. That is, after a few adjustments to the management.

The shifter pushed himself off the doorframe and and crossed his arms, a sure sign that he wasn't comfortable in this high-up position, but wanting to make the best of it. Ky stepped to the side of the doorway, motioning them down the steps. "I guess I'm going to answer your questions and both of you are going to tell me about your other mansion and what you did there." He resisted the urge to make it a question, suspecting that they already didn't regard him too highly. Then again, he was a slave himself.

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